*Britney* Mrs. Radke (Ronnie Radke)

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I wandered the house reminiscing over the times in high school where Ronnie and I would get in trouble and end up spending most of the time in detention. Although my brother was no angel either... He's only three years older and is known as Synyster Gates. Ronnie and Synyster never were to fond of each other. Saying he was a bad influence and so on. The music blared throughout the house as I cleaned, danced and sang. Synyster was coming home from tour in three days or so meaning party and everything else. After a few more hours of bullshitting I grew unbelievably bored. I'm booooooored... Can you come over? I texted Ronnie before chucking my phone at the couch. 

The door bell rang so I lowered the music to merely background noise before opening the door to see my best friend, Ronnie Radke.  He held up bags of junk food, movies, and god only knows what else.

"This is why I love you..." I hugged him before we got everything ready. After several movies we passed out on the couch cuddled together. 

The next morning I woke up to feel weight of arms on my waist holding me to Ronnie's chest. Smiling  managed to wiggle out of his grasp. Deciding to prank him I grabbed the can of whipped cream from the refrigerator and tipped toed back to him. I took his hand and sprayed practically half the can into his palm. Taking a feather I tickle his nose making him smearing the whip cream everywhere. Bursting into a fit of giggles he stares at me before jumping up and throwing me over his shoulder before I got the chance to react. 

"Ronnie let me down! Ronnie!" I cntinueously screamed as he made his way to the pool in the backyard. Oh no... He isn't going to- my thought was cut of by freezing water.

He stood above me laughing as i came back up to the surface. Afer his laughter died down he tuck a hand out to help me out of the water. I grabed his hand and pulled him in causing a giant splash. Resurfacing from the water his face was clear of whip cream. He began o drift closer and before I knew it his arm were on my waist pulling me in closer to a point wheeour noses were almost touching. His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes as I did the same to him. He went to seal the distance between us when someone shouted "What the fuck?!"

Splitting apart we looked over to see Synyster standin in the doorway with steaming coming outof his ears. He stomped inside as we scurried out of the pool.

"I thought you weren't coming home till Sunday?" I asked dripping wet and freezing with Ronnie standing behind me. 

"What were you two doing?! You're not allowed to be with him. He's not good for you Britney-" He shouted before I cut him off getting anier by the second.

"You have no say in my decisions... I'm not a child anymore and I've always liked Ronnie and you know that! So if I want to fuck him you get no say, back off!" I seethed stompin up to my room nd slamming the door before I punched him.

God only nows how long I've sat here staring blankly at the ceiling just thinking. I can't believe I admitted to having a crush on Ronnie in front of him... Things are probably going to be awkward and he's not going to want to hangout anymore... Multiple scenarios played through my mind causing a saddness and anxiety weigh me down. Suddenly there was a quiet knock on my door. I didn't bother saying anything hoping whoever it was would go away so I can slowly decay into nothing.

The door opened to see Synyster standing there looking upset.

"I'm sorry for everything... You're my little sister, it's my job to look after you and protect you. And you now Ronnie's worried about you... He really does care about you which is why I think it's okay if you two get together. But I'll kick the living shit out of him if he hurts you." He said as I sat up w he mentioned Ronnie. He hugged me tightly as I whispered a thank you before he walked out. Aminute or two later Ronnie walked in. 

"So you like me?" He smirked sittin on my bed. Before I even had the chance to say anything h kissed me hard. We ended up sittingon my bed when he asked me to be his girlfriend which I didn't even take a second to think about before saying yes.

~Four years later~

Avenged Sevenfold and Falling in Reverse were touring together. Ronnie didn't want me home by myself so I packed my bags and am now going to a new place every day. Fallingin Revese was playing and I sat on the side watching in awe. I never got tire of watchinhim sing his heart out Soon the song ended and Ronnie began talking. Before I knew what was happening I was thrown my brothers shoulder and carried out to Ronnie on stage.

"Babe it's okay" He mumbled to me knowing I wasn't a fan of large crowds.

"This wonderful and gorgeous lady is my girlfriend..." He said to the crowd and turned to me holding my hand before lowering himself onto one knee.

"Baby we've known each other for so long and we've been together for four years now. They've been the happiest years of my life and I can't imagine a moment without you. Will you become Mrs. Radke?" He asked into the microphone and ullo a black velvet box with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen inside.

"Yes" I mumbled beginning to cry as I tackled him int a hug kissing him hard. We broke apart and slipped the ring on my finger as the crowd cheered.

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