*Emily* Don't be Afraid (Patty Walters)

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Another day of school... I hated going. I didn't have friends, except for a few people that talk to me completely out of pity... So I don't necessarily call them friends. People don't know or notice me... I'm the girl sitting in the back of the class and alone at lunch.

I guess I brought it upon myself... I'm afraid to talk to people, to be judged for being weird and so on. It's probably one of my biggest fears. Over the years I've become so afraid because never been able to make friends easily.

I was too caught up in my thoughts instead of paying attention to where I was walking causing me to run into someone. My books scattered across the floor and I fell backwards.

"I'm so sorry..." I stuttered grabbing my books as quickly as I can. I pair of hands handed me the last of the books.

"It's fine... I wasn't paying attention where I was going..." He smiled. I looked up to see the brightest blue pair of eyes staring at me with a smile and his blond hair was adorably messy. His nose silver ring shining in the lighting... He was gorgeous... I've been staring.... Shit. He probably thinks I'm weird or that something is wrong with me.

"Uh... I- Um- Th- Thanks..." I managed to spit out mentally stabbing myself for acting like an ass in front of him. Turning on my heel I did what I do best... Ran like hell. I managed to get to my next class that was still almost empty. Sighing in relief I took my in the farthest corner in the back. The teacher didn't even notice I walked in yet so I but my headphones on.

The bell rang so I put my headphones in my bag... Looking up I see the guy from earlier. I ducked my head down  into a notebook I began doodling in hoping he won't notice me... Which of course didn't happen...

"Hey is anyone sitting here?" He asked dropping his books on the desk beside me. I shook my head not completely trusting my voice.

"You don't talk much do you?" He said with a small smile... I shrugged not knowing exactly what to say.

"Well I'm Patty..." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I looked at his hand then at him before nervously reaching out to shake his hand.

"It's um, Emily... Em for short..." I whispered looking down at my books, doing my best to pay attention.

The class dragged on until the bell finally rang signaling class is over and I get to go to lunch. I found my normal table where I sit alone.

"Hey Em!" Patty called out startling me. He tossed his tray next to me before sitting down.

"What are you doing...? Isn't this some social suicide?" I muttered stabbing my lunch with the fork not bothering to look at him. He didn't say anything for a moment.

"Well I'm sitting with you because we're friends and friends don't let friends sit alone... And social suicide? Fuck people, who cares." He stated. Friends? We're friends? Why?

"Friends?" I looked at him curiously. He hummed in response.

"Don't you have friends...?" He asked scared to ask. I simply looked back down and shook my head no. He looked at me like someone shot his dog, not knowing what to do or say.

"Well now you have me... Don't be afraid, I promise I don't bite..." He said happily which made me smile.

*Months Later*

"Emily!" Patty yelled running towards me pulling me into a tight hug, spinning me around. Patty and I were hanging out with our other friends. After that day at school he helped me overcome my fears and introduced me to new people. I finally had friends, and a boyfriend. Patty wrapped his hands around my waist from behind as we walked towards the group of friends. He kissed my cheek when we joined everyone.

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