*Jesse* If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn (Kellin Quinn)

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Today was going to be a lazy day. I called my best friend over to watch movies and eat junk food with me all day.

My best friend Kellin Quinn, although I've always liked him more than a friend and everyone knows it except him. The guys always say he feels the same way but I don't know.

I heard a knock at the door irrupting me from my thoughts. "Jesse!" Kellin yelled hugging me.

"Kellin!" I yelled back practically tackling him to the ground.

"Okay, I brought candy, ice cream, and a shit load of movies." He said setting the bags down.

We started up a random movie and ate food. After the third movie I started to get colder so I moved closer to Kellin making him drape an arm over my shoulders. "So I wrote a new song..." Kellin said randomly during the movie.

"Can I hear it?!?!" I gave him a puppy dog face making my lip piercing sticking out. "Not the puppy dog face.... fine." Kellin said running to grab my guitar for him.

By the end of the song I was speechless. "Jesse? What'd you think?" He asked snapping out of my little faze.

"Kellin it sounds amazing..." I smiled not wanting to push the subject too much. Thunder broke the silence hanging in air.

"Its raining!" I scream happily before looking at Kellin.

He grinned and I went running outside instantly getting drenched. He chased me around until we both slipped making me land on him.

Purple hair was hanging down and hiding my face as I turned red. "Jess... don't hide you look adorable when you blush." He whispered and moved the hair out of my face.

"Hey Kellin... What was that song about?" I ask quietly still laying on top oh him looking down a bit.

His hand lifted my chin up to look at him and said. "You" He leaned in and kissed me making spin. I never believed in those romantic movies when a couple kiss saying there were sparks and shit until now. We were dripping wet still laying on the ground.

My face turned bright red again making me bury my face in his chest. "Be my girlfriend?" he whispered making me smile ear to ear.

"Of course" I say kissing is cheek.

He laughed "Come on lets watch some more movies..." Wrapping an arm around my waist.

"So you're James Dean, I'm Audrey Hepburn?" I asked smirking then looking up at him.

"Yes... You're my Audrey Hepburn. Better than any other. No one can compare. Your bright purple hair, you're cute nose and lip ring, and you look gorgeous with or without glasses..." He said before I cut him of by kissing him. We should have lazy days like this more often. Maybe the guys were right too... For once anyways.

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