*Luna* Goodnight (Ricky Horror)

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It was he beginning of Warped Tour which only means giant fucking party all night long. I honestly didn't feel like drinking tonight... Everyone was beyond smashed which was hilarious. Drunk people are so funny and do the stupidest things. I walked around the party sipping a water bottle. I noticed Ricky standing there alone so I decided to go over.

"Hey Ricky..." I said making him turn his head and smile.

"Hey Luna... You're not drinking either?" He asked noticing my water bottle and the fact I'm not slurring, doing something ridiculous, or stumbling around. I nodded laughing and asked him the same question. We walked around the party together watching our bands and friends.

"Let's go somewhere else they're too loud." he shouted over the music and people. Nodding I grab his hand and pushed our way through the crowd. Finally getting out we walked around the streets in whatever city we're in.

"You hungry?" he asked glancing at me and the glowing McDonalds sign. Saying yes we walked in buying a ton of food, which we managed to finish by some miracle I don't understand. After McDonalds we continued our walk.

The streets were empty, filled with darkened window displays and lined with street posts. The purple night sky and orange tinted lights made me think of Halloween. Soon we stumbled upon a playground and began playing like children for the hell of it. After our childlike fun and killing ourselves with children equipment we began to walk back.

On the way back we were further away than I thought and I was cold. Suddenly I felt a warm hoodie placed over my shoulders... Ricky must have noticed and gave me his hoodie. The thought itself made me blush a bit.

"Thank you... but won't you get cold?" I asked shyly. He chuckled and shook his head. After another four blocks and random conversations we made it back to the party and our buses. About a third of the party were passed out in various places. Ricky helped me drag all my band mates back onto my bus and I helped with his.

"Thank you for everything, I had a lot of fun..." I mumbled glancing at my shoes then at him again and cuddled into his hoodie. Since we were now standing in front of my bus you can hear the idiots breaking things. Right as Ricky went to speak my lovely drunk band mate opened the window and yelled "Ricky and Luna sitting outside, F-U-K-K-I-N-G..." Butsting out laughing before finishing whatever he was going to sing and banging his head when he went to back out.

"Shut up, and it's C-K not K-K dunb ass..." I shouted back to have a hand stick out the window flipping me off. I looked at Ricky who was flustered and we laughed. After bidding our goodbyes I kissed his cheek and went to open the door, only to have it locked. We had to put on a chain lock so the idiots won't wander off the bus drunk or anything.

"Guys c'mon, open the door." I yelled banging on the door. After a good five minutes I gave up sitting on the ground and leaning against the door.  Burying my head into arms I felt myself grow tired.

"You do realize they're all probably passed out..." A familar voice said making you look you look up to see Ricky still standing here. I sighed and nodded. He stuck his hand out and told me to come. I just stared at him.

"Would prefer sleeping outside? You can spend the night on my bus..." He smiledas I took his hand, he lead me to his buss and opened the door for me. I sat on the couch not knowing what to do since he dissapeared into his bunk. A minute or two later he walked out in pajamas and gave me a tee shirt and sweatpants to sleep in. After changing he was sitting on the couch with blankets tossed on the couch.

"If you want you can sleep in my bunk...I'll sleep on the couch." He said pressing play on the movie he put in. I sat next to him and asked if I can watch movies with him, he smiled and nodded. Halfway through the movie an arm snaked around my. I cuddled into seeing him smile at my action.

"Luna..." he paused unsure if saying this was a good idea. "I think you're really pretty, and funny, and amazing, and I-I really like you..." He mustered looking down self-consious and regretful. I turned so I was facing him and without thinking I grabbed his face and kissed him. Butterflies erupted in my stomach when he kissed back and his made their way to my waist. We broke apart with grins plastered to our faces. I cuddled into him further when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I kissed him again and nodded. After sharing several kisses, movies, and cuddling I grew tired. Yawning I buried my face into his chest.

"Goodnight love..." He mumbled before I fell asleep.

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