*MaKenna* Somewhere In Neverland (Alex Gaskarth)

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Prom was coming up in a couple of days. It's all anyone could talk about for weeks. I was supposed to go with my best friend Alex Gaskarth... until his girlfriend, Lisa came into the picture.

"Jack I'm not going... Sorry." I argued for now at least twenty minutes.

"Oh come on it would be fun and you can make Alex jealous. He's always liked you even if he won't admit it." Jack pleaded. He was my other best friend and the only one who knows about my feeling towards Alex.

"Can't you ask someone else? And I've told you he loves Lisa not me... I'm his best friend." I said quietly.

"You're more fun to party with and don't worry about girl shit... And ya never know..." He said giving me the cutest puppy dog face.

"Fuck fine. I'll go but you owe me. And you're getting the dress if you expect me to wear one." I gave in.

"You drive a hard bargain but okay let's go!" He yelled dragging me to the mall.


It was the night of prom... Jack is picking me up in five minutes but he'll be late like always. I just finished my hair making the usual choppy hair into spiral curls spilling over my shoulder. Fixing the dark green prom gown before heading down stairs.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" I pouted stumbling to the gymnasium. Jack laughing every time I clung to his arm so I don't face plant. I'd rather have a pair of actual shoes on instead of feeling like I'm walking on stilts. Luckily I'm still shorter than the guys in these heels.

Alex and Lisa were standing with the guys and there dates laughing. Jealousy coursed through my veins when I saw Alex kiss Lisa.

Lisa would drag Alex away every time we'd try to talk or anything... It was quite funny to see.

"Thank you for dragging me here tonight... It was fun and I hate to say it but you were right." I admitted looking at Jack smiling proudly. Before getting into the car I hugged Jack tightly and placed a friendly kiss on his cheek.

That night Jack texted me 'Hey Kenna, Alex is pissy... I think that plan may have worked.'

I didn't bother responding so I just fell asleep.


Days after prom Alex refuses to talk to me... Rian, Jack, Zack and their girlfriends tried to help but it didn't work.

It's slowly but steadily breaking me but I won't let it show. Walking to the park it began down pouring. I called the one person that would make everything better.

"Hello?" Alex mumbled through the phone.

"A-Alex, why have you been ignoring me? What did I do?-" I felt tears well in my eyes and sniffled breaking the rest of my sentence.

"MaKenna are you sitting in the rain? Where are you? His voice laced with concern.

"Yeah I'm sitting under the tree in the park." I said looking the grass.

He sighed "Stay there. I'll be there in two minutes." The line went dead.

Minutes later he ran towards me scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to his car.

He drove to his house turning the engine off. After getting out of the car he led me up to his room.

"I'm so sorry Kenna..." He mumbled sitting on his bed. I didn't know what to say... I just stood there looking at my best friend in distress,

"I-I shouldn't have done this... I should go... I'm sorry." I stuttered turning on my heels to the door before Alex grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

He didn't say a word just pulled me in for a hug water dripping down my neck from his hair. "Kenna I love you... When I saw you kiss Jack I got jealous I guess... Lisa and I are over... I should have known it was always you..." He trailed off unwrapping his arms from around me leaving me in pure shock.

He stared at me trying to figure a reaction to his words. I threw my arms around him tightly. "I love you too Alex." I said muffled from burying my face into his shoulder.

He took my face kissing me gently creating fireworks and butterflies soaring through my stomach.

We cuddled up and watched one of our favorite Disney movies Peter Pan. When we were younger he dressed up as Peter Pan and I dressed up as Wendy. Ever since that Peter Pan has been 'our' movie.

"Kenna if we were gonna take off one day with no worries, nothing where would we go?" Alex asked watching the screen before glancing at me.

"Anywhere you want to go is where I want to be... Where do you want to go?" I shrugged and asked curiously receiving an adorable smile.

"Neverland... Somewhere in Neverland." His words made me smile.

"Well it looks like we're going to Neverland then." I said resting my head on his shoulder.


(Four years later)

We slowly made our way towards the dance floor hand in hand. "I love you Mrs. Gaskarth." He whispered resting his hands on my waist.

"I love you too Mr. Gaskarth." I smiled kissing him as we danced to Somewhere In Neverland.

"You ready to run away with me...? Even if I sound crazy, off to somewhere in Neverland..." He grinned as the song ended.

"I'm ready when you are." I smirked.

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