*Nina* There For You (Austin Carlile)

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*Trigger Warning

After school I went straight home by myself which never happens... Usually I would walk or drive with my brother, Austin. But today I just wanted to get home and be alone... I don't know why but I guess I don't want him to worry about me.

Both him and our dad are constantly worry about the depression and relapsing. I hate the fact they're always worrying... I've been good, any scars are completely healed and now fading, I've been going to therapy, and so on.

I opened the front door to see my dad looking up at me concerned since Austin wasn't with me. Ignoring him I just walked up to my room, turning on music and laid on my bed. I sat here for god only knows how long before I gained the motivation to grab my lighter.

I held my wrist above the flame, feeling relief wash over me the more it burned. After a couple moments I took my wrist back and saw a bright red sore spot looking like it was going to bleed at any moment.

The door opened and Austin walked in holding a stack of movies and junk food. I tried to hide the fact I was burning when he walked in, I hope he didn't see anything. He sat next to me and took the lighter from in my hand. Grabbing both wrists and turning them to find the burn and scars littering my skin. Austin just sat there staring at my wrists not saying anything.

"I'm fine... It was just a little slip... I'm sorry." I mumbled knowing what he was going to say and ask.

"I heard dad on the phone with your therapist... He was worried when you came home. Thought something happened so he called... He mentioned you self harming before and when you walked in you looked like you were going to... I didn't believe you would do this..." He trailed off looking at his hands. I knew Austin didn't want to look at me... The disappointment at the fact I've done this and the fact I didn't tell him made it worse.

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled almost incoherent I didn't know what to say.

"Let's clean this up." He said leading me to the bathroom. He pulled out a first aid kit and cleaned the burns. He didn't say or look at me... Once he finished wrapping the gauze we walked back to my room.

"He just wants to make sure you get better... Don't be mad for him calling. We're both worried about you. I never knew it was this bad. Neither of us want you to relapse... We need you... I need you, you've been the only one there for me with everything.... And I will always be there for you. You can always come talk to me about anything." He said hugging me tightly.

"Alright, what do you say we watch some movies and eat a shit ton of junk food?" He asked lightening the mood which I was thankful for. I smiled and nodded grabbing all the pillows and blankets before we began watching the movies.

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