*Hailey* Immaculate Misconception (Chris Motionless)

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"Class meet our new student, Hailey." The teacher announced her class who didn't give two shits. After those moments that seemed to go on forever I got to go sit in the back off the class. Others were already muttering "Freak", "Emo", and so on. The people sitting next to me were all the same, just like me... I guess. Black hair, dark makeup, pale skin, and a piercing or two. A kid sitting in front of me turned to look at me. He had black hair, medium size gauged ears, and angel bites.

"Hey, I'm Josh..." He smirked before continuing.

"That's Ricky, and my girlfriend Ryan Ashley." He finished.

"Um, I'm Hailey..." I said not quite knowing what to say. We ended up talking the entire class instead of doing any work. Ryan and I instantly clicked and became best friends. The bell rang indicating the period was over as we all headed out to lunch.

"So you'll meet Chris, Angelo, Ryan and Devin..." Ryan Ashley said as we made our way to the Lunch room. We all sat at a table  right before four guys all in black walked over. Lunch was good, I surprisingly clicked with everyone except Chris... For some reason he doesn't like me. Months passed and I became part of the group good friends with them. and really Chris and haven't gotten along from day one... As time passed it got worse. Constant fighting, agruing and everything else. Sadly feelings grew toward him which constantly left me at war with myself. The group was tired of us, and I was tired of him. I have no idea why he doesn't like me and why all this started. Ryan Ashley was the only one to know about the whole situation... She never lets it go.

Everyone was going to meet up at a carnival Ryan Ashley ended up telling Josh about it and they're determined to get us together which is ridiculous if you ask me but there is no changing their minds. Slowly the group split up thanks to the lovebirds. Chris and I walked silently. I was too afriad to say anything and he was probably praying this night would end. After moments of attampting to piece together anything to say I took a deep breath...

"So?" We said at the same time...

"I- uh-... Go ahead" I stuttered looking at my feet urging him to say whatever. A blush burned my cheeks and he must have noticed by the grin.

"I was wondering if you want to go on the ferris wheel... Get away from annoying pricks." He said looking at the crowds of people and the dirty looks thrown our way. I simply nodded in response and we made our way towards the small line. After waiting for what seemed like several minutes we were on and the silence crept back. I'm now stuck on a ride with the guy I like and he doesn't like me. This can't get any better. The silence was becoming unbearable as we went around.

"Why do you hate me...?" I blurted out needing to break the silence and not knowing what to say. He looked at me completely shocked before look forward at sky. Leaning on the safety bar he seemed lost in thought.

"I don't hate you... The opposite actually. I really like you." He mumbled playing with a lip ring. I stared at him confused. If he likes me then why act like he hates me?

"Is this one of you rmean pranks...? This isn't funny Chris... You win, just cut the act... Please-" I started but was cut off by Chris's lips. It took me a moment to register what was actually happening. When we broke apart small smiles were plastered on our face.

"Hailey, I'm so sorry for being a dick... I'll make it up to you. Would you want to go out sometime? Maybe as my girlfriend?" He ranted on nervously so as an answer I kissed him again. By the time we meet up with everyone Josh and his girlfriend were practically jumping for joy.

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