*Lani* Running to Paradise (Alan Ashby)

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It's now four in the morning and I couldn't sleep... So here I am, now aimlessly wondering the streets after years since I left of my hometown and ending up at the park. The park that held many memories of my best friend and I. I sat under the tree, our tree with our names carved into the wood. Memories came flooding back as my head rested again the bark.


Kids laughed with their friends, dancing with their dates and so on... Then there's me a new kid in school sitting in the corner, unnoticeable to anyone. It was a middle school dance, well my first school dance and I deeply regret even bothering coming.

"Hey" A voice said pulling me out of my thoughts... I looked over to see a young ginger boy standing there. I didn't know what to say... I don't know him. I managed to mumble a hi and small wave.

We began a conversation making the awkwardness instantly fade. I learned that his name is Alan, he plays guitar, loves cats, and is more of an outcast too. He seemed so confident which I envied in him. We became inseparable within however long we've been talking.

"Come on, let's go somewhere..." Alan said grabbing my hand as we walked out school to a park. We stopped under a huge tree.

"This is going to be our tree..." He trailed off carving our names into the tree.

"Anytime something happens we'll come here no matter when it is. We'll call each other and just say 'The tree'... I'll be here always" Alan smiled.

We sat there all night messing around and it was the start of an awesome friendship...

**Years Later

"Get the fuck over here you little bitch!" My dad screamed chasing me to my room. He's drinking again... My now busted lip keeps bleeding not that it would even matter. I managed to lock the door and texted Alan 'Tree'. He pounded on the door screaming at me as I opened the window and climbed out as fast as possible. Seconds after my feet were on the ground I heard the door breaking.

I ran to the park seeing Alan standing there looking worried. As soon as he saw me his look worsened.

"Your dad did this to you?" He asked angrily; my eyes dropped to my shoes. His arms wrapped around me but all too soon he pulled away.

"Lani, you're not staying there any longer... I'm leaving this town and you're coming with me... We're seventeen now and I'm not leaving you here alone. We can go anywhere you want..." He rambled on. I'd go anywhere with him because I completely fell for him, my best friend, who is saving me from my demons.

"When are we leaving?" I mumbled looking up to see the ginger smile. A genuine smile... Happy to know I was more than happy to leave for a fresh start with the only person that matters.

*End of Flashback

"Lani?" I heard shouting from down the street. I must have fallen asleep... I don't remember falling asleep though I was just sitting here thinking.

"Lyla?!" Alan shouted with worry and concern clear in his voice. He looked around laying his eyes on me.

"Jesus Lani, babe you scared the shit out of me... Why'd you leave the bus?" He asked sitting next to me then pulling me on his lap.

"I couldn't sleep... Our names are still here though and I sat here and must have fallen asleep." I muttered with a yawn before laying my head on his shoulder. He chuckled picking me up and carrying me bridal style to the bus. We were simply runaways; running to our paradise... And now Alan is following his dreams and I'm with one of mine. The stubborn cat obsessed ginger that saved me. No matter what we always remained inseparable since day one.

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