*Aj* Kiss Me Again (Alex Turner)

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Fuck I'm late... I kept thinking racing against the clock to get to my next class. I was almost at the class when I ran into someone.

"I'm sorry." Someone said before I could say anything. Looking up at big brown eyes. The bell rang pulling us out of our daze. I'm late... again. Great...

 "No I'm sorry I should have been paying attention..." I muttered embarrassed. Silence took over neither of us knowing what to say or do.

"I'm Alex... Alex Turner." He introduced himself breaking the silence.

"Aj" I replied.

"Would you like to skip the rest if the day with me Aj... We're already late." He smirked holding his hand out for me to take. I smiled agreeing and walked out of the building with him. He led me towards his car and asked where to go.

We ended up driving around town, windows rolled down, music playing in the background, and we ended up instantly clicking... Becoming best friends.

*Weeks Later*

"Aj I want you to meet a couple friends of mine... They're really cool." He said as I got into his car. For some reason I grew nervous. I mean I was terrified to meet Alex's friends but I also had a gut feeling something else was happening too. We pulled into his driveway and made our way to the basement to meet up with three other guys.

Alight Aj these are the guys... Jamie Cook, Nick O'Malley, and Matt Helders." Alex explained pointing to each guy as he said their name. They each waved which I gladly returned.

After about an hour we all were playing video games, eating pizza, and so on.  The night passed quickly and all too soon I had too go home. After exchanging numbers with all the guys Alex took me home.

"Aj... I haven't been all too honest with you... The guys and I are leaving tomorrow... We're moving so we can hopefully get signed and everything." He mumbled looking at his hands. I knew it... My best friend and his band are moving... And he didn't tell me until now.

"I promise we'll keep in touch. I'll come visit when I can." He whispered glancing at me. I grew feelings for him and now they don't matter because even if I tell him it wouldn't work out.

"I promise too... Goodnight Alex." I whispered back kissing his cheek before opening the door. But before I got out I decided what the fuck... So I cupped his face smashing my lips to his. After that my face was bright red and I walked in my house.

*Months Later*

After that night I never saw or heard from him again. It was probably really stupid to do that but if I never did it I would also regret it. I've talked to the guys a couple times for about a month and then nothing.

It was hard at first... It still is hard but I'm managing. I was headed to the Beady Eye concert which I've been waiting for weeks.

During the concert someone ran into me. I looked up to see Alex with Matt, Jamie ,and Nick not too far away.

"Sorry about that... Aj?" He asked astonished to see me. The rest of them looked over and ran towards me. With a chorus of "Hey" and what not as I was being tossed between them hugged tightly by them all.

After a few moments Alex had me back in his arms. Not saying a word he grabbed my face and smashed his lips to mine like I did to him.

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