*Veronica* Happy Birthday (Andy Biersack)

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Happy Birthday! Veronica! Get up!" Andy yelled jumping on my bed at this ungodly hour. After at least five minutes of his pestering I threw a pillow at him knocking him off my bed.

"Ow... You're a meanie..." He mumbled getting up to sit on my bed. He continued begging for what seemed like hours.

"Get up... I have a whole day planned out for your birthday and a shit ton of presents..." He said poking me.

I finally get out to see him smirking... Knowing that would happen when I heard presents because come on who doesn't like presents..? Andy and I have been best friends since we were practically babies... For some reason... Right now I'm trying to figure out why. And how he got in my house.

After getting dressed and such I walk out to see Andy eating my cereal, laying on my couch watching batman. I sit on his stomach and steal the cereal.

~Later on~

Andy ended up buying just about everything today... No matter the cost or how many times I told him not to. I refused to walk into stores because I felt bad about him spending money on me.

"What store next?" He asked looking at me.

"Andrew no more, You've spent enough money... and thank you again." I said.

"It's my job to spoil you and treat you like a princess... so which store next or shall I carry you?" He smirked. I shook my head and before I could even comprehend it, I was thrown over Andy's shoulder as he walked to Hot Topic. I'm actually surprised security didn't stop us... but we did get many odd and dirty looks.

After another few hours of shopping and driving about we decided to come back to my place and hangout.

"Okay Veronica... For one of your final surprises you have to close your eyes." He stated making sure my eyes were closed.

"And... Open." He says moments later. When I opened my eyes I saw the cutest baby kitten curled into a tiny ball in the palm of his hand.

He handed me the kitten carefully when I saw a tiny paper on his collar that said "Will you be my princess?"

I smiled at 'princess' because he always calls me that. I carefully laid the sleeping kitten on my blanket and hugged Andy mumbling a "Yes, my Prince." He tilted my head up and slowly smashed his lips to mine before whispering a "Happy Birthday".

We ended up spending the night watching movies with the kitten curled in my arms and me wrapped in Andy's arms. Seemed just like those cliché fairytales kids like... It's perfect and I'd never have it any other way..

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