*Anabel* The Dj's Got Me Falling In Love (Sonny Moore)

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Everyone was dancing and drinking, colorful lights, loud music were normal nights for my boyfriend. My boyfriend, Sonny Moore, or better known as Skrillex and I, better known as DJ Phantom  are going to do gigs together. As the stage time grew closer I grew more anxious. Butterflies were soaring through my stomach making me feel sick.

"Babe, relax you're going to be fine. You can do this." Sonny reassured me as a crew member announced we had five minutes till stage time. I kept telling myself it was okay.  All too soon we had to go on stage. Sonny noticed how nervous I still was so he grabbed me hand and lead me out.

The crowd was insane and soon my nerves began to melt away. I never wanted this night to end... I was having too much fun. Right before the last song Sonny took the microphone and stood in front of the stand. I had no idea what was going on and neither did the crowd.

"Hey everyone, who's having a good time?" He yelled having the crowd scream in response before continuing.

"I would like to introduce my lovely girlfriend, DJ Phantom... Come here babe." He gestured to me. I walked over awkwardly not knowing what's going on... Or what to expect.

"Tonight was her very first gig... And also our anniversary. Babe,I love you more than anything. You've been through hell and back with me and that's why I'm asking if you would give me the honour and become Mrs. Moore?" He asked on one knee in front of everyone. Tears began to well in m eyes as I jumped into his arms saying yes. The crowd was going insane and screaming in excitment. We stood up and he slipped the ring onto my finger and smashed his lips to mine.

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