*Colby* This Night (Zacky Vengeance)

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I finished getting ready to go and to a party for M. Shadows birthday. I've been good friends with the guys for a long time. I'm closest to Zacky and it just so happens I have a major crush on him. The only person that knows is Matt. I don't tell anyone because I don't want them to think I'm weird or anything.

Zacky was picking me up and we're heading there. Soon there was a knock at the door, I opened the door to see Zacky standing there.

"Hey Colby..." He smirked and lead me to his car and opened the door for me. I have to admit he looked really hot with his ripped up black skinny jeans and loose V-neck. His tattoos decorated his skin and his septum and snakebites were distinct and adorable. His black hair the usual, classic messy bedhead look.

Arriving at the party we immediately went to the bar got drinks. Hours passed drinks have been bought, song after song being played, crowds of people dancing making it almost impossible to walk. I've lost count on how many drinks I've had.

I had a nice buzz... Not too drunk, but not too sober. I saw Zacky and Mathew laughing and talking. Since there the other guys were with their girlfriends or some random girl they plan on bringing them home I decided to hang with them. As I was walking over Matt spotted me before turning to Zacky and telling him something. Zacky began laughing and moments later his face became serious. He glanced up at me and as soon as I managed to get to them he walked away... Not acknowledging I was there.

"Matt what did you say to Zacky?" I asked the drunken mess giggling in front of me.

"I told him how much Colby loves him- Hey Colby" He stuttered out chugging the rest of his drink. He told him I had feelings for him... Oh god what am I going to do. He's not going to talk to me, he won't even look at me...

Throughout the night I tried talking to him or getting his attention in general. No matter what I did he never bothered to talk to me let alone acknowledge me. I gave up after so long and decided to just go home... Sadly Zacky drove me here which meant either walking home or calling a cab... I grabbed my phone and checked if I brought any money... which of course I didn't bring. My only option is walking. Fuck everything, this night keeps getting better and better.

I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door praying I don't get murdered or get poured on. About ten or twenty minutes later a car pulled up beside me.

"Colby, are you crazy?! Why on earth would you walk home in the middle of the night? Get in the car." Zacky called out through his open window. After a minute or two of arguing I climbed in the passenger side of his car not looking at him. The silence was unbearable and seemed to last forever. Everything seemed to freeze, nothing was moving and it felt like a minute refused to pass by taunting me with a blue glow.

"Colby..." He mumbled breaking the silence causing me to finally look up at him. He stared out into space with his hands gripping the steering wheel for a moment until he shifted in his seat to face me. Without any warning he leaned in cupping my face and smashing our lips together. It caught me by surprise but it took only seconds to register what was actually happening. As we kissed you could taste the booze we've been drinking all night and practically hear our ears still ringing for the volume of music from the party. Sadly we broke apart in need of air.

"I'm sorry for acting like a jerk... When Matt told me I didn't believe him. I've liked you for some time now and when he told me he was serious I panicked and ran. I didn't know what to do, but when I saw you walk out of the party I knew I had to do something.-" I rambled on until I shut him up with another kiss.

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