*Melissa* Someone I Used to Know (Ashley Purdy)

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Shouting echoed through the walls of the house. Things thrown and broken as my parents were having a drunken war. I tried blocking out the noise the best I could with music while texting my best friend, Ashley. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and needed to leave... for good. I can't keep living this way. I packed as many clothes and necessities as I possibly could into a duffle bag. Grabbing the last of my belongings I saw myself in the mirror. Noticing my black hair knotty and matted with my roots grown out, the dark circles under my eye, my sickly pale skin, dull brown eyes filled with nothingness. Feeling like I'm going to breakdown I sped up and threw my bag out the window before climbing down myself.

I went to Ashley's and tapped his window until he opened it for me. I always sneak into his room to get away from everyone. I knew he'd get mad about me planning to run away because he said he has a guest room whenever I need it and I'm always welcome in the house but I can't live here anymore and I don't want to take advantage of them.

"How bad is it?" He asked knowingly leading me to sit on his bed. I shrugged not trusting my voice. After what seemed like forever but only a mere second I lost it. We talked for hours before I needed to leave.

"Ashley, I love you... so much. I always have from the day we met. and I hope one day you'll forgive me and understand my decision." I mumbled begging not to cry. Before he could question me I kissed him and climbed out the window.

"I'll see you soon..." I called up from the ground before running down the street with my bag.

~Twelve Years Later~

It's been twelve years since I ran away. I ended up getting my GED, since I dropped out. Now I'm living in California, my hair is now long and my eyes aren't dull and sunken in. My skin is no longer deathly pale... I'm healthy and happy. I look completely different now.

Adjusting my clothes I walked around the Warp Tour venue. It was as hot as hell but completely worth it... I was on my way to meet Black Veil Brides which is a band I love. Only problem is Ashley... but I doubt he'd remember me.

It seemed like hours passed with the sun beating down. Soon enough I was at the table. I had them sign albums and got pictures with each until I got to Ashley.

"You look familiar... Like someone I used to know... never mind." he sighed signing the album.

"Someone like... Melissa?" I mumbled quietly. He looked up wide-eyed until it clicked. Practically jumping over the table he hugged me tightly. The rest of the band looked at us as if we were insane.

"I can't believe it's you..." he whispered into neck.

"I told you I'll see you soon." I replied. When we broke apart the guys looked for an explanation.

"Guys this is Melissa..." he introduced still staring at me like he's trying to prove I'm really there. Soon I was tackled into a group hug.

"You're the famous Melissa. Ashley's always talking about you!" Andy said receiving a glare from Ashley.

"Yeah he's in love with-" CC shouted before Ashley tackled him before he finished whatever he was saying. They refused to let me leave and after some time of begging and persuading I agreed.

After they finished their signing we all hung out and messed around. I also got to meet a ton of bands because Ashley knew I liked them.

"What happened? All those years ago?" Ashley asked when him and I walked.

"My parents were abusive and I finally broke and couldn't take it. I was slowly killing myself there so one night I packed a bag, stole the money I'd need and left. And I ran to your house..." I trailed off.

"But you could have stayed... you could have stayed with me. I always told you that." he commented with a slight anger in his voice.

"I know... but I didn't want to be a burden and I don't know... I'm so sorry." I mumbled feeling guilty.

"I get why you did it. I tried looking for you, you know. I never really stopped. I've always loved you... even back then and you kissed me and disappeared. Still do." he said leaving me speechless. Ash inched closer before snaking his arms around my waist. His eyes flicked between my eyes and lips before he finally smashed our lips together.

The kiss was amazing... Making me feel like we're teenagers again.

"Would you be my girlfriend? I don't want to lose you again..." He whispered leaning his forehead against mine.

"Yes..." I replied smashing my lips to his.

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