*Brenda* My Batman (Kellin Quinn/Andy Biersack)

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"Babe, the guys are almost here!" Kellin shouted from my living room. He decided to surprise me by taking me with him on Warped Tour. I grab my bag and put it by the door.

In what only seemed like minutes we hear the guys messing around and the horn. The guys gave me a tour of the bus and let me get settled. Excited was an understatement. These next couple of months are going to be the best...  

~Month Later~

Kellin and I have been more distant... He's been partying more and just ignoring me. We won't talk for days at a time and when we do it's not much of a conversation. Before we would talk all day long. I don't understand what's happening to us.

"Hey Brenda... You coming to watch our set?" Andy Biersack asked tearing me from my thoughts. He's become my best friend... Always there for me with the whole Kellin dilemma and I'm beginning to fall for him.

I simply nodded and followed him towards the stage.

"So how's the Kellin thing going? Any better?" He asked glancing at me as we got back stage. I just shook my head and looked down. I think he's cheating... I'm probably just over thinking though... Right? Andy sighed knowing how much the situation gets to me.

"We'll talk after the set..." He said hugging me tightly. Kissing my forehead lightly before running onto stage.

~That Night~

Kellin went to another party... Didn't say a word to me either... I give up. But where will I go? I don't want to leave Andy. I should check out the party... Maybe I could find out what he's doing and go from there.

Walking through drunken crowds of people was beginning  to make me feel claustrophobic. I was about to turn around when I spotted Kellin with another girl... Practically ripping each others clothes off there.

I ran out feeling tears begin to well in my eyes... I just kept running without looking back.

"Brenda!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me making me finally stop.

"Andy... H...He was with some other girl..." I croaked breaking down. Andy pulled me into a hug telling me it's okay.

"Let's grab you stuff and you can come on our bus instead..." He said while walking with me to the bus to grab all of my belongings.

When we got to his bus he showed me wear my bunk would be and decided to make a shit ton of junk food and watch movies. Andy saw I was still somewhat crying so he pulled me into his lap.

"Brenda, don't cry... You deserve better. I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I can't make it better and it kills me to see you upset because I love you... I've loved you from the moment I saw you. I've wanted you to be mine from the start... " Andy admitted gently wiping the last of the tears before slowly kissing me.

"I love you too... My batman..." I whispered cuddling in his chest slowly beginning to fall asleep.

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