*Drue* Spin the Bottle (Alex Gaskgarth)

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It was my first day of school since I moved to Baltimore... Not wanting to go was an understatement. I don't want to be the new kid again with no friends.

Walking through the door some people stared and whispered and others completely ignored me. I found the main office. After getting my schedule I wandered the halls looking for my locker. The bell rang which made all of the remaining students to run to their class. Someone ran into me causing all of my books to scatter across the hallway.

"Fuck..." I muttered bending down to pick up my books and papers. Soon three sets of hands were helping me pick up the remaining books.

"Nice shirt... Oh, and here you go." One guy said with light brown messy hair looking down at my Blink-182 shirt and handing me back the books.

"Thanks..." I mumbled hugging the books to my chest.

"Let me guess, you're new...?" He stated as I nodded.

"Well in that case I'm Alex. That's Jack and that's Rian." He said pointing to his two friends.

"Drue" I said with a small smile. We ended up talking for a minute or two. Before they asked if I wanted to skip school with them. I contemplated on saying no but we were already really late and they seem cool so fuck it why not.

I nodded walking out with them... We ended up walking around the town, they showed me around and we joked, laughed and hung out all day. They even introduced me to their friend Zack who goes to another school. They said they're in a band called All Time Low and I should come to their practices.

Weeks passed and we've become inseparable... We would hangout everyday during and after school. I would go to all their practices and gigs, gone to parties together, and so on.

Tonight since Alex's parents were gone for the weekend which meant party...A really big party. This happens whenever one of their parents were gone. But Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack always knew how to throw a party. You could hear the Green Day blaring blocks away from his house. Cars were parked around the block, all down the sidewalks. Walking into the party was almost impossible. The place was packed with people dancing on furniture, people drinking from plastic red cups, some were making out in the yard.

Alex spotted me by the table covered with drinks. He grabbed my hand dragging down in the basement where fewer people were. He dragged me over to a circle of people sitting on the floor. An empty beer bottle was set in the middle of us all. I sat in between Alex and Zack with Alex's hand resting on top of mine which made butterflies in my stomach soar. Over time I began a crush developed for Alex and no one knows... Except for Rian, but I never told him he put two and two together.

Soon it was Alex's turn to spin and I wanted it to land on me but I prayed it wouldn't because the guys wouldn't let us live that down and I didn't want to embarrass myself. Time ceased as the bottle spun around and the slower the bottle got the faster my heart raced. The bottle stopped pointing at me causing my eyes to widen. Jack and Zack were wolf whistling and making jokes. Rian looked at me expectantly with a smirk.

I turned to look at him and his hand cupping my face as he began to lean in. His lips brushed against mine at first and after a moment he gained courage and deepened the kiss. The kiss was pure bliss but all too soon it came to an end. Our faces were bright red and the guys were making jokes like there was no tomorrow.

*Years Later*

Right out of high school the guys were signed and headed off to see the world. We lost touch over the years unfortunately but I still love listening to their music. They've become really popular since I've seen them. I still have slight feelings for Alex. I'm currently working for Of Mice & Men as one of their techs. I've become really close with them over the years and tours.

Today was scorching and sadly the shade and the crowds weren't helping. I asked one of the other techs to finish while I go get a bottle of water. Walking through buses and bands talking I made my way towards Of Mice & Men's bus to grab my sunglasses and ice cold water. As I was walking I  collided with someone causing me to fall on my ass.

"Shit I'm so sorry- Drue?" A familiar voice asked. I stood up and saw it was Alex. I smiled and nodded before tackling him in a hug.

"How've you and the guys been?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

We ended up talking for a while until he had to leave for his set. Before he left he said they're throwing the first night of warped party and that I need to go. Classic Alex and the guys... Nothing has changed about them.

Later that night everyone on tour was at the party. I walked around with a bottle beer sipping it as I go. Suddenly I was tackled be three large bodies.

"We've missed you!" Jack yelled loudly in my ear causing me to laugh.

"Have you seen you boyfriend yet? He's been looking for you." Rian joked knowingly causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

Soon I was thrown over there shoulder and sat on the ground in a circle. This all to familiar setting made me nervous especially seeing Alex next to me laughing. All too soon it was my turn to spin; the bottle slowed making my anxiety rise like crazy. It landed on Alex causing the three to go ape shit.

"Drue and Alex sitting on the ground, K-I-S-S-I-N-G--" They began to sing before it was interrupted by Jack and Austin screaming F-U-C-K-I-N-G as loud as they can. Getting louder the closer our faces got. Without any hesitation Alex grabbed my face smashing his lips to mine.

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