*Rachel* My Hero (Alan Ashby)

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Alan and I are finally at the venue. For my birthday he bought us tickets to see Five Finger Death Punch. I was so excited to see them in concert and I finally get a chance to see them.

"Did I ever mention I fucking love you?" I asked again. He laughed shaking his head.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice." He replied still chuckling. Excited was a major understatement. As soon Alan parked the car I booked it towards the venue while yelling at Alan to hurry up.

People screaming out lyrics, lights constantly changing, music blaring, the crowd closing in and the pits growing bigger and bigger was  a complete adrenaline rush. I held Alan's hand to make sure I didn't lose him because I have bad anxiety so I'll freak if I can't find him.

Soon crowd surfers were being tossed around and the pits grew too big where our were split. I frantically spun around trying to find my ginger best friend. I felt myself being tossed between people and ended up being pushed into a pit.

 My anxiety was getting increasingly worse. I was continuously getting shoved and hit in the pit but I could get out. I was panicking too much to even move. Suddenly a felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me out, dragging me out into the hall. I was trying to control my erratic breathing but nothing seemed to work which made me panic more.

"Rachel... Calm down, breathe... Deep breaths." Alan said holding on to my shoulders looking worried. I looked at him frantically trying to signal I couldn't. He tried everything. Suddenly his lips crashed onto mine which caught me by surprise. It took a little but I eventually kissed back before we broke apart.

"Why?- Why did you kiss me?" I asked finally catching my breath. He hugged me tightly with relief washed over his features.

"You couldn't calm down, and I began to get worried so I figured kissing you would make you control your breathing, make you forget and kind of because I wanted to do that." He said into my hair with his arms still around me. I mumbled a thank you hugging him back tightly taking deep breaths.

"I'm sorry for losing you in the crowd... I should have been more careful." He muttered looking down at me wrapped in his arms.

"Don't be sorry... And it doesn't matter cause you pulled me out of there and helped with the anxiety attack... No one can help when my anxiety gets that. My hero..." I said kissing his cheek after I managed to build up enough confidence. His cheeks grew bright red and mine most likely were just as red. He dropped his arms from my waist and stepped back.

"Um Rachel would you maybe be my girlfriend?" He stuttered avoiding eye contact.

"Of course" I replied cupping his face in my hands and kissing him

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