*Jade* Shut Up and Kiss Me (Ronnie Radke)

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I've been sitting in the studio all day long while my boyfriend, Ronnie Radke and our friends were recording for their new album which a very long day/night at the studio. I love going with them but after so long it gets boring... So I decided to stay home and call Gerard over to hang out. Twenty minutes later he showed up with Chinese food and movies.

"Hey Jade" He smiled putting the food down and giving me a big hug. We used to have movie nights in high school but we haven't done that for a long time due to tours, recording, and so on. Ronnie always got jealous but doesn't say anything because I'm so close with Gerard.

Piles of blankets and pillows were scattered near the couch. The first movie we watched was House of Wax while we devoured the Chinese. Hours passed, empty food boxes were sprawled across the coffee table, we sat there talking, laughing and reminiscing over high school memories. Ronnie still wasn't home so Gerard was going to stay until he came home so I wasn't sitting home alone. 

"Ger, it's almost one in the morning... You don't have to stay. I'll be fine-" I mumbled before getting cut off with a yawn. He didn't respond so I opened one eye to see him passed out with his mouth gaping open. Laughing I covered him with a blanket and returned to my original spot and falling asleep with my head on his shoulder.

"What the fuck?!" I heard Ronnie yell right after the door slammed shut follwed with other voices muttering. His voice caused me to jump awake and it appearantly had the same effect on Gerard.

"What are you cheating on me now?" He seethed looking at the two of us sitting on the couch. Moments of silence hung heavily until Gerard said he was leaving. I walked him to the door and gave him a hug promising to call him tomorrow. That only made Ronnie angrier. Soon the guys were leaving giving me dissapointed looks as they walked out the door.

We screamed and yelled, threw things and had an all out war for hours. The sun was beginning to come up, I was exhausted... I give up.

"You know what... I'm done. I can't believe you would accuse me of cheating on you with my best friend since middle school. I didn't want to be home alone so I called him to see if he wanted to hangout... I didn't know hanging out with your friends was such a crime." I muttered wiping dried tears from my face as I walked up to the bedroom to sleep. I locked the door so no one could bother me and buried myself beneath pillows and blankets.

Hours later I woke up feeling horrible about the fight. Walking downstairs I smelt food... Yummy food. I peeked in down the stairs to find everything cleaned up. Now broken glass or anything anywhere. I walked into the kitchen to see Ronnie making tons of food. He turned around seeing me stand near the kitchen enterance way.

"I'm so sorry... I know you wouldn't do that and I was just tired from working all day... I didn't mean anything I said. You didn't deserve that. I--" He rambled pulling me close which made me smile.

"Just shut up and kiss me" I cut him off and pulled him down by his shirt to kiss him.

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