*Deanna* Stay (Mitch Lucker)

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Evryone was stoked... It was our last day of tour which meant going home, sleeping in a bed, seeing friends and family. Luckily we were in Los Angeles and most of live here so we could probably go home tonight. Suicide Silence just finished their set which meant a huge party. Bands and their crews were passing alcohol around, smoking, dancing, talking, and having a good time. I was going to miss this tour and everyone on it. Especially Mitch, I was a fan of his band since they started and now getting the chance to perform with him and become friends with the band was a dream come true.

Feeling a nudge against my shoulder i turned around to see Mitch holding two bottles of beer. He handed one to me before sipping his own. I nodded slightly as a thank you for the drink. Hours passed, empty bottles began to pile up, we talked and laughed the entire time. As time passed a nervous pit heavily grew in my stomach. I knew something bad was going to happen...

"I need to get home... I want to go see Jolie and Kenadee..." He slurred cutting my thoughts off. He dropped his half drunken bottle on the table and disappeared into the crowd. I ran after him trying to find him in a huge drunk crowd. When i found him he was sitting on his motorcycle fumbling with his helmet.

"Mitch! No wait!" I yelled as I ran up to him. He was going to get himself killed being this drunk and driving. His glazed over eyes stared at me.

"Come on you should get some sleep before you go home..." I suggested hoping he'd agree. He looked at me contemplating whether to come.

"Come on Mitch, please stay..." I added on and held out my hand and moments of him staring at it he finally took it. Stumbling as he climbed off his motorcycle, dropping the helmet on the ground next to his bike. I dragged him into my bus and let him sleep in my bunk.

As soon as he climbed into my bunk he was asleep... I covered him with a blanket and whispered a goodnight before walking into the lounge to watch TV. Thank god I caught him in time... God only knows what would have happened if he left.

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