*Natasha* My Worst Enemy (Andy Biersack)

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Slamming my locker, I walked down the hallway as people stared and whispered things receiving a dirty look in return. I hated this... I hate this school with everyone in it. Luckily it's my last year and only a few months till graduation.

Back in freshman year I was bullied by everyone. One day I snapped when a bitchy prep took it too far. She ended up with a broken nose, black eye, chunks of hair missing and so on. My parents didn't know that I was bullied so they we're more upset I didn't say something and found out this way than anything else. Ever since then people were scared of me.

 The dismal bell snapped me out of my thoughts as I rushed out as soon as I could. But of course as I was rushing out I crashed into someone.

"Watch where the fuck you're going" he said shoving past me with his friends. He as in Andy Biersack... The asshole who gave me the image I have now. Sad thing is I've grown feelings for him, back before this all started. We actually used to be best friends before this happened.

I still have feelings for him that never went away no mattered how much I've tried. As I was walking home from school it began to down pour.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mumbled to myself as I continued down the street.

A car pulled up next to me and rolled down the window.

"Do you need a ride?" I looked to see Andy.

"No. I'm fine... Just leave me alone." I snapped looking forward not bothering to look at him. I didn't understand why he was suddenly being so nice. I wanted to believe he actually cared.... But there's many things I want but don't get.

"Just get in the damn car Nat. You're going to get sick..." He argued. I shook my head and kept walking which made him sigh angrily. He hasn't called me Nat since we were best friends... That pissed me off even more.

"Why do you even fucking care? And why the fuck should I trust you?" I shouted.

The car stopped on the side road before he stormed out throwing me over his shoulder placing me in the car.

"Don't go anywhere..." He said before running to the driver's side. Once he was inside he cranked up the heat.

"Why....?" I was all I mumbled. I wanted to know why he was suddenly being nice now. Why did he start to hate me and ruined me. Too many questions were running through my head right now. He knew what I was asking because out of the corner of my eye I saw him tense.

"Stop the car..." I mumbled after what seemed like an eternity of tension which was unbearable.

"No. We're going to talk and I'm not letting you walk in the rain..." he muttered pulling into his drive way. I used to be here everyday so many years ago.

He got out of the car opening the door and waited for me to get out. Once we were inside he grabbed my hand leading me to his room.

"I need to leave... This never should have happened. Go back to being an asshole, ruining my life and fucking some slut.... I'm out of here." I snapped walking out and leaving him alone.

"You know the only reason I ever hated you was because I really like you..." He said standing at the top of the stairs just as my hand was turning the doorknob.

Did he find out I've liked him for how long now? This is just some joke so he can destroy whatever is possibly left because if he really did like me he wouldn't make life a living hell. I don't know what to do now but I refuse to be naïve and believe the words he's saying.

"You know you really are the biggest asshole I know... Don't lie about bullshit like that... We used to be best fucking friends and then you made me some monster; now you're telling me you used to like me... And the sad fucking thing is I've liked you for years now even though you ruined me." I shouted instantly regretting it.

Andy ran down the stair closing the door before I could run out and trapped me with his hands pressed against the door keeping me in place. His crystal blue eyes stared at me before his hands moved from the door to cup my face and smashed his lips to mine.

"You're so stubborn..." He mumbled with his forehead pressed against mine before kissing me again.

(2 years later)

"What are we doing here?" I asked Andy as we pulled up to a cliff hanging over the sea with stars filling the sky.

"I can't take my lady to cliff and tell her how perfect she is?" He responded flashing a signature smirk.

We sat on the grass looking at the sky and talking about random things. He seemed a little nervous for some reason but I let it go. After awhile we grew silent just enjoying each other's company.

"Nat..." He trailed off looking over to me. He dug through his pocket, pulling out a little blue box.

"Natasha, we've had our ups and downs in the past but I've always loved you and always will... Will you do me the honor and become Mrs. Biersack?" He asked looking at me.

"Of course I will. I love you." I said as he slipped the ring on my finger and hugged me tightly.

He kissed me passionately... My worst enemy back in high school that used to be my best friend is now going to be my husband, my worst enemy is now the love of my life...

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