*Taylor* We're Going to be a Family (Christian Coma)

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Music was blaring, lights flashing, people dancing and shouting... It became a normal thing for me. My absolute best friend and boyfriend Christian Mora better known as Christian Coma, the drummer in Black Veil Brides. He always threw giant parties for my birthday... Every band is here even the guys from Silent Civilian.

This year was different though... Christian and the guys were planning something. He seemed nervous but wouldn't tell me anything. It made me start thinking he was cheating or god only knows what else.

"Taylor, come with me." Christian said taking my hand and leading me outside. We made our way towards the gazebo. The tension was growing and I could see him getting more nervous.

We stood in the gazebo under the stars when he pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket.

"Taylor, We've been dating for five years now and we've been best friends for even longer. You've always been there and supported me with everything. From the moment I met you I knew you were the one. I could go on for days about how much I love you. Would you give me the honor of becoming Mrs. Taylor Mora?" Christian asked looking up at me.

Tears pricked my eyes... I couldn't speak so I nodded smashing my lips to his. After we broke apart he slipped the ring on my finger. As soon as we walked back inside we were bombarded with questions and congratulations.

~A Year Later~

We had a small wedding with the guys and some other bands there. After the wedding we headed to the airport for our honeymoon to Switzerland. 

Sadly we have to go back because the guys have tours and such. The flight home was extremely tiring. As soon as we got home we fell asleep.

Lately I've been having weird cravings and morning sickness... Christian was at Andy's for band practice. I went to the store to buy pregnancy tests and ran home.

The five minutes felt like an eternity of waiting until the timer went off. I picked up each test to see a pink plus sign.

"Taylor." Christian called from downstairs. He's home early... I walked downstairs hugging him. We decided on watching a movie and ordering Chinese food.

"Babe I have to tell you something..." He paused as I urged him to continued. "

I found out we're going on tour in a few weeks..." He finished looking at me for a reaction. There's not much I can do... I mean I knew this would happen when we first started dating. I just kissed his cheek cuddling into his arms.

"I have something to tell you too..." I started trying to figure out how to break the news.

"I'm pregnant..." I finished looking nervously at my hands. Moments later Christian stood up, picking me up and spinning me around excitingly. After placing me back on my feet he kissed me roughly with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

"We're going to be a family... I'm going to be a dad. I could teach him how to play drums... But what about this tour..." He ranted on, all I could do is laugh.

"Don't worry about tour, I'll keep you updated with everything and how do you know it's going to be a boy?" I answered.

~Five Months Later~

The guys are coming home next week but today was the doctor appointment where I got the chance to find out the sex of the baby. Walking out of the office holding the ultrasound pictures and I pulled my phone out to call Christian, but it went to voicemail.

Finally getting home I placed the pictures on the counter while I tried calling again but he didn't pick up. I gave up trying to call and took a nap on the couch.

Hours later I heard the door close quietly and arms scooped me up carrying me up the stairs.

"I thought you weren't coming home till next week..." I mumbled half awake.

"Surprise... How did the doctors go? I missed you so much." He whispered climbing into bed wrapping his arms around me.

"Well he's healthy and the pictures are on the counter..." I said cuddling into him.

"He... It's a boy. I can't wait to have him running around." He mumbled.

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