*Aylin* Drunken Words Used and Sober Thoughts (Sam Bettley)

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"AYLIN" My best friend since third grade yelled drunk of his mind.

We went to prom earlier and now are at an after party. I was ecstatic when he asked me because I've always had a thing for him since the day we met on the playground when he stood up for me in elementary school. Ever since that day we've been inseparable.

I sighed knowing this would happen; he always was the outgoing partier while I've always the quiet girl.

"Yes Sam?" I asked holding a full bottle of beer squeezing through the crowd in my long prom gown.

"You know you look beautiful tonight..." He slurred knocking over empty bottles as he tried to set another bottle on the table.

"Thanks Sam, but lets go you're coming home with me." I said holding him steady as we made our way through the crowd. I got him into the car before climbing in myself driving to my house.

I lugged him up to my room leaving him on my bed while I changed. I took his shoes and tux jacket off and he tried unbuttoning his shirt. In his drunken state of mind unbuttoning his shirt was quite a sight. After finally getting the shirt off he climbed into my bed.

I grabbed a blanket laying it over him before grabbing myself one to sleep on the couch in my room. "Aylin... Stay..." He mumbled half asleep holding his arms out like a little kid.

Not saying anything I climb into the bed immediately having Sam's arms wrapped around me.

"I love you Aylin... I always have and I'm gonna miss you when I leave Thursday..." He mumbled.

"You're drunk that's the alcohol talking... and where are you going Thursday?" I knew him and his band were trying to get signed and such but that's the only thing I could think of.

"The band..." He trailed off snoring making me sigh turning the light out.

* * * 

Thursday came too quickly making me upset my best friend is actually was leaving me. I guess he was telling the truth about that.

My phone rang startling me... Sam. Perfect this just means it really is goodbye. "Hey Sam." I said trying not to sound upset.

"Aylin, I'm sorry about all this... I'll keep in contact. Open the door." He spoke not sounding his usual happy self.

Opening the door the last time to my best friend; knowing this is the last time made me breakdown. He wrapped his arms around me. "I'll call and text everyday... I go to go now." His voice slightly cracking.

With that he walked out as I cried knowing he'll forget about me.

* * * 

Four years ago my best friend left without contact after only a week. I moved to Los Angeles I learned that I shouldn't depend on people and not be naïve and fall for someone like him.

It made me work harder though... I'm now in a successful band. We are now going on Warped Tour.

Walking around the venue I was talking to just about all the bands. Suddenly I heard voices that seemed so familiar so I turned around and saw Asking Alexandria.

Luckily they didn't notice me because they were busy talking with people. I quickly started in the other direction crashing into someone and falling on my ass.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't paying attention." I stumbled a bit before seeing that one man that I used to know.

"Aylin?" Sam asked. I couldn't find the words to say so I looked up at him.

He hugged me tightly rambling on how he missed me and such. Part of me wanted to hug him back but the other wanted to yell at him and never talk to him again.

The only thing I could do was run. I ran to a secluded part of the venue and a tear slowly escaped my eye.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped me pulling onto their lap. "I'm so sorry for putting you through what I did... I was a stupid kid that didn't realize the perfect best friend that he loved dearly until it was too late. I was going to visit you but chickened out never knowing just how to say it..." He said softly wiping tears away.

"Say what?" I mumbled looking up at him.

"This" He responded smashing his lips to mine. Fireworks went off both of us smiling into the kiss.

We sat there all day talking, laughing and joking around like we used to. The sun was setting and we we're tangled in each others arms.

"Aylin do you want to yanno be my girlfriend?" Sam asked... It seemed too surreal after years of dreaming this day would come. I nodded my head kissing him again.

"By the way I loved you then too... Drunken words were once sober thoughts." I smiled at him and the fact he remembered that night.

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