*Juliet* Never Let Go (Max Green)

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*Trigger Warning

Sitting on Escape the Fate's tour bus waiting to get to the next venue was always boring. Max and I are always arguing about something stupid. I'm Craig Mabbits younger sister, quiet, and shy is how everyone knows me. Hiding behind one of Craig's hoodies.

The only person I'm not like that with is TJ. I don't know why but we first met we clicked and have been best friends since. I tell him just about everything.

"Why are you wearing that hoodie? Can't find a hoodie of your own? What are you trying to hide the fact you're an ugly piece of shit?" Max snarled shoving past me. I could hear him laughing as I made my way to TJ's bunk.

He was laying down with headphones on... I opened his curtain making him look over at me. When he saw the tears beginning to well in my eyes he moved over for me to climb in.

"What happened? Did Max do something again?" He asked tossing his headphones to the side. I didn't trust my voice so I nodded in response. We continued to talk the rest of the way to the venue. Even after talking to TJ I didn't feel much better, Max's comments still replayed in my mind making me feel worse each time.

The guys decided to go out to a near by bar while I decided to stay back. After making sure they all left I walked into the bathroom turning on the light and locking the door. I stood in front of the mirror taking the hoodie off and see what I've become.  

Scars laced up an down my skin, some new and others old... Sickly pale skin, tear stained face, knotted hair, and the list goes on. I pulled out a blade and a small vile with white powder. My happiness, even if after so long the high dies down... I can at least be "happy" instead of faking for a few hours. 

I poured the powder into a line on the sink before leaning down. Breathing it in made feel ten times better already. I sat against the wall holding the blade between my fingers. A loud sob escaped as blood trickled down dripping onto the white ceramic tiles.

Suddenly there's loud banging on the door.

"Juliet open the door!" A familiar voice yelled... It sounded like Max... But why would he be here I thought everyone left for drinks. Panicking a grabbed toilet paper to soak up the blood. The banging got louder. I tried grabbing the cocaine vile to hide before the door was broken down, but in trying to grab the bottle I dropped it have all of it spread across the floor. The door burst open and Max ran in.

"What are you doing?" He looked around to see the vile laying on the floor with cocaine everywhere, the bloody toilet paper laying around and the blood continuing to drip from the tips of my fingers.

"Oh god" He mumbled in horror as he rushed towards me. He pulled me into him before sitting me on the sink.

"Please tell me you didn't..." He began holding the vile a little bit of with cocaine left in it. I couldn't look at him... I didn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes, the horror when he sees the scars and so on.

He hugged me tightly and kept saying how sorry he is. I couldn't talk due to crying.

"I promise I'll help you get through this... I'm so sorry for everything. I didn't know... I promise I will help... You have all of us. Promise me you won't do this." He said quietly almost whispering and kissed the top of my head. All I did was bury my face into his chest as the crying subsided.

"Thank you, Max..." I whimpered lightly kissing his cheek as I finally hugged back tightly, never wanting to let go.

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