*Emma* Ring Pops (Frank Iero)

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  "Okay class we have a new student and I want you all to be nice to him." Our teacher told s before we resumed our playing. I saw the new boy sitting at a table alone so I decided to walk up to him.

"Hi I'm Emma and I'm this many." I smiled holding up five fingers.

"I'm Frank. And I'm that many too" He said smiling. Soon after ran off to the swing set. All too soon the day came to an end.

"Em, will you be my bestest friend forever and ever?" Frank asked holding a ring pop.

"Of course Frankie..." I answered putting the ring pop on my finger and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ew! Cooties.." He yelled wiping his face making me giggle.

"Emma... Emmaboo... Em. You okay?" Frank asked waving his hand in front of my face. I simply nodded and went back to fixing cd's.

"I was thinking about the day we met... And became 'bestest friends'. That ring pop was yummy too..." I said making him laugh.

"Oh you mean when we were 'this many'?" He mocked holding up five fingers. Our shift was almost over at the music store and it was completely dead tonight. We were killing time by blasting music and fixing the shelves. One particular song came on I wasn't familiar with which is strange because I know every band, song and album.

"Hey Frankie, what's the name of this song and who is it? It's awesome." I asked looking over at him.

"Oh it's called Famous Last Words and it's by the band I'm in... It's our demo." He said looking over.

"You can have it too if you'd like..." He mentioned.

"Fuck yes! You guys sound fucking killer! Lets get out of here and get Starbucks!" I shouted grabbing my bag and running to his car. After Starbucks he drove me home.

"Thanks for the demo and the ride." I said kissing his cheek before getting out of the car. It became a tradition over the years after we became friends which I love because over the years I fell head over heels... or fuck heels... Head over converse for him.

"Wait Em... I need to tell you something..." He paused nervously.

"I really like you... Scratch that I love you... And I have since day one." He muttered not looking at me.

"That's good to hear because I love you too." I smiled watching his eyes light up.

"Then Em will you be my girlfriend forever and ever?" He said holding out a ring pop just like when we were younger making me laugh.

"Of course Frankie" I replied Kissing him and putting the ring pop on.

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