*Sarah* Movie Night (Austin Carlile)

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Being the new kid in school isn't fun. I just sit in the back not talking to anyone or anything just trying to make this day end. Only lunch and one more class until I can head home. Heading to the cafeteria with a paper bag lunch since I didn't really want to deal with people when I don't have to.

As soon as I walked in I felt people's eyes following me and people snicker so I sat at the table in the corner alone. After about ten minutes I couldn't be here anymore... Throwing my trash away I turned to leave getting a tray of half-eaten food dumped on me.

"I'm so sorry..." The guy started saying before everyone started laughing.

"She looks a lot better now there's no need to apologize" A prep snickered before I booked it out.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up." I heard that guy yell at the people talking shit.

I ran through the maze of hallways finding my locker and grabbing my bag. Suddenly hearing distant footsteps rushing down the hall. "Wait." He yelled...

This guy just won't leave me alone... I was now covered in food with tears pricking my eyes. He seemed nice and all plus he was cute. I mean he did stick up for me in front of everyone, he didn't laugh at me and he did apologize.

I just ran out of the school not wanting him to see me like this; I hate it when people see me cry or anything like this and he doesn't even know me. Finally figuring I'm far enough to stop running I got a chance to catch my breath. Plugging my headphones in making the world mute as I blare music.

An hand grabbed my arm spinning me around. That guy again... I just wanted to be left alone. "Ummm... Why are you following me?" I asked trying not to sound mean or anything.

"Well I tried to see of you were okay but you kept running and I felt really bad because I dumped my tray on you not paying attention and... You're new here and you're first day you had people laugh at you because of me... And I just uh..." He trailed off making me laugh a bit.

"It's okay... You didn't have to ditch school to see if I was okay but it's nice to know at least one person who isn't an asshole..." I smiled for some reason he was easy to talk to which never happens for me. I'm always shy and awkward around people I don't know and shit.

"Come on..." I stated simply walking down the street. He looked at me questioningly following me.

"Where are we going? And yanno I never caught your name." He smirked taking my bag from me and throwing it over his shoulder.

"My place so I can change and then um anywhere I guess... It's Sarah by the way. And why'd you take my bag....?" I said looking up to the tall man next to me smirking.

"Sounds good. Cool name by the way. I'm Austin and I'm being a gentleman. A pretty lady shouldn't have to carry her bag." He said making me blush as we walked down the street. 

* * * * *

That was six years ago when I was sixteen. I'm now twenty-two and my best friend is Austin Carlile and has been since sophomore year. I go on every tour as there merch girl now.

"SARAH." Austin screamed from the lounge of their tour bus.

"Yes?" I asked walking out to see him sitting on the floor with Squidgy, candy, blankets, pillows and a stack of movies.

"Squidgy and I would like to have one of our traditional movie nights like we've done for six years" He smiled childishly patting the spot next to him.

Every time we had a movie night we had to watch every Star Wars movie. The only reason I ever agreed was because I developed a major crush for him. According to everyone on the bus we argue like a couple... usually over movies we watch because he always wants to watch Star Wars. I moved closer to Austin laying my head on his shoulder.

"Sarah I um... I just wanted to say thanks for watching Star Wars again with Squidgy and I...." He started but was interrupted by the guys.

"Just fucking tell her you're in love with her bro. She loves you too." They shouted making both of us bright red.

"Is that true?" I asked quietly. He nodded in response making me smile.

Confidence took over making me sit in his lap and smashing our lips together. His arms wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck. "You have no idea how long I've wished you would say that or felt that way..." I said happily. It seemed surreal now after how many years of dreaming this would happen.

Smiles both plastered to our faces. "Sarah will you be my girlfriend?" He asked making me ecstatic.

"I'd love to..." I smiled kissing him again.

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