*Katherine* Great Show (M. Shadows)

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Mark, Tyler, and Dalton said they had a surprise for me but would tell me what it was. I showed up at my place where we were all meeting at to discuss some tour and band business. Walking in I saw them sitting in my lounge and a huge as suitcase with a blue ribbon on it next to the couch.

"Surprise..." They cheered gesturing towards the suitcase. After a moment or two of standing there confused they told me to open the suitcase. When I opened it I saw a ton of Avenged Sevenfold band merch.

"Thanks guys but why did you get me Avenged Sevenfold merch and put it in a suitcase?" I asked staring at them while they smirked.

"Well Dalton and I are friends with the band and managed to set up a tour with them..." Matt said laughing at my wide eyed mouth dropped expression.

"If you guys are fucking with me I'll kill you..." I warned praying this wasn't a prank. Avenged Sevenfold is my all time favorite band. They said they're serious and to go pack because we leave for tour tomorrow.

"I fucking love you guys." I shouted hugging them tightly. They left saying they had to pack as well. I ran to my room tossing everything into my suitcases.

The next morning I ran to claim my bunk before the guys had a chance to claim the best bunks. I was so excited to go on tour with my favorite band... After a few hours we made it to the first venue... I could already see the other bands hanging out before the show. Matt and Dalton told me to come with them while Tyler went to go see the guys from My Chemical Romance.

"Kat, we want you to meet someone..." I smiled hoping it was someone from Avenged Sevenfold. I saw M. Shadows walk over smiling which made blush brighter than a tomato.

"Ah, so you're the famous Katherine these idiots always talk about... Well I'm Mathew, or M. Shadows." He introduced himself... He knows who I am... and those two morons talk to him about me... Oh dear god the things they probably told him. After the little introduction we kept talking until it was show time.

"Good luck" Shadows yelled as I walked onto the stage. After our set we ran off stage with adrenaline pumping through our veins and sweat practically dripping off us all. Avenged was up next and after them we've officially finished our first day of tour.

"For our last song of the night we would like to invite a special guest on the stage... So Kat get your hot ass up here." Shadows said smirking in the microphone looking at me. I slowly made my way onto the stage. He handed me a microphone and the song began. After he said goodnight and goodbye he threw an arm around my shoulders as we walked off stage.

"That was a great show by the way... Thanks for having me on stage with you guys." I said to him grabbing waters for us both.

"You too and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime... We can go grab something to eat..." He suggested since we haven't eaten... I cannot believe he just asked me this... Holy Fuck.

"Did Matt and Dalton put you up to this?" I asked wanting to make sure it wasn't a prank... They would definitely be dead for this one if it was.

"No of course not..." He trailed off.

"Then yes I'd love to. Meet me at my bus in twenty." I smiled kissing his cheek before scurrying off to get ready.

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