*Emma* Sick Trick (Alex Gaskgarth)

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I could hear his coughing from the bedroom as got him soup. He's been getting worse and he refuses to take any medicine. Walking towards the room his coughing got louder and louder.

"Alex please take some medicine... You'll feel better." I tried to reason but he shook his head like a child.

After twenty minutes of trying to convince him I had one trick that may work.

"I guess I'll have to call Matt to let him know you're too sick to go on tour..." I sighed pulling my phone out about to dial Matt's number. I knew how much Alex loved touring around the world... It meant more than anything to him.

"No, please... I'll take your stupid medicine." He croaked. I smiled grabbing the medication with a cup of water. He grumbled something incoherent before taking the medicine. He back down before tugging on my hand.

"Sleep..." He mumbled. I climbed into bed having arms snake around my waist and being pulled into Alex. His rested on my chest as I played with his hair soon hearing soft snores. Soon I decided to take a nap as well since I'm not able to move.

Hours later I woke up to see Alex watching TV with his arms wrapped around me. He looked ten times better than before. The dark circles under his eyes weren't as bad, he seemed to have more color, and wasn't coughing as much... at all actually.

"Thanks for the medicine and everything... You were right." He said smiling slightly. In response I kissed his cheek and ended up watching movies with him the rest of the day.

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