*Lauren* Late Night Shakes (Josh Franceschi)

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12:30 at night, I decided to come to my favorite old diner, that thankfully was open twenty-four seven which means whenever I have a craving for the best milkshake in town, they're open. I come here almost everyday so I knew everyone that worked here and they know me and my usual order. Everytime I come here I sit in the corner booth by the window... It never very crowded in here which was kind of nice. The diner look like your classic eighties diner. Black and white tiled floors, vibrant colored leather seats and walls, pictures and neon littered the walls.

The bell rang as someone entered the diner... I didn't bother looking up from my book about the legend of Slenderman. My tangled headphone wire dangled from the earplug that was blasting Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me the Horizon . One of my favorite bands out of way too many to actually have only one favorite... I could on for hours naming all the bands I listen to. 

"Excuse me miss, is this seat taken." A somewhat familiar british accent asked. When I looked up I saw the lead singer of You Me At Six, Josh Franceschi. Moments of tryng to process this I quickly nodded... Feeling completely embarrassed and in shock. He smiled and sat down. Mary, one of many waitresses I know winked at me, which only made my face twenty shades brighter.

"Um, I'm Josh, Josh Franceschi... I saw you sitting alone through the window and thought you were gorgeous... I had to come talk to you." He anxiously stuttered out with red cheeks. I giggled at how cute he was... A famous musician was nervous and noticed me, a girl who sits in the corner of a diner drinking delicious milkshakes and reads at one in the morning.

"Well Josh, I'm Lauren... Love your music by the way. You noticed me and think I'm pretty...?" I said slightly nervous. My face probably redder than a tomato. He smiled at my question.

" You have a good taste in music. I did... Something about you is intriging." He said as the waitress, Mary placed two large milkshakes on the table with a smile. In about half an hour we were playing twenty questions and sharing embarrassing stories. God only knows how many shakes we've had or how long we've been here... Not that either of us actually cared. We were too caught up in each other and the conversation to care about the world around us.

"If you ca go anywhere in the world where would you go?" He asked resting his head on his elbows and sipped his drink.

"If I was with someone I cared about it doesn't matter... I've always wanted to see the world." I shrugged and watched as a small smile played on his lips as I answered. Forgive Me by City and Colour began playing on the jukebox.

"I love this song..." I mumbled sipping my the rest of my milkshake. Josh stood up holding his hand out.

"Care to dance?" He asked which I couldn't resist that smile. He lead me towards the empty space and placed his handson my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck having to stand on my tippy toes because of the height difference. He laughed at the struggle.

"Just stand on my feet, love" He mumbled pulling me closer. Blushing I did as he said laying my head on his chest as we swayed to the music. Mary and a few that were still working there we're quietly awhing and talking about us. Getting embarrassed I buried my face further into his chest with a smile. His phone began to ring, sadly breaking us apart. After a short conversation he hung up.

"That was the guys... We have to go in the studio today." He said disappointed. Nodding we walked over to the table to grab our stuff and pay for our drinks. The sun began to rise which meant we spent the entire night here. I hope we'll do this again... I've never been able to open up to a person that quickly.

"Well Lauren, it has been a pleasure talking and dancing with you... Maybe I can your number and take you out on a date sometime." He said smoothly but still nervous. Blushing I nodded writing my number down.

"I would love nothing more, Josh... Thank you for everything." I said as we waved good-bye to the staff and headed outside. Before we went our seperate ways we hugged and I shyly pecked his cheek. As we walked away I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered as I walked down the street.

"Hey Lauren, Would you like to go out tonight?" A familar voice asked causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach and a smile inch on my face.

"I would love to Josh..." I answered turning around to see him on the other end of the street smiling at me holding his phone up to his ear.

"Alright, text me your address and I'll pick you up around seven." He replied still making eye contact on opposite sides of the street. He winked before continuing to walk away.

"See you then." I agreed excited for later.



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