*Nina* Wild Goose Chase (Andy Biersack)

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Andy and I were having a lazy day consisting of all of the batman and random movies. He recently got back from tour so he wanted to relax and spend time together which I wouldn't have any other way. While I made snacks and got everything, Andy grabbed blankets and everything else. Soon we were settled in and watching movies. The entire time he's been texting and on his phone which pissed me off but i bite my tongue not wanting to fight. I knew that he could tell from me glancing constantly because he moved so I couldn't see and was tense. Soon Andy got up to use the bathroom or something. As soon as I couldn't see him I sighed and tried focusing on the movie. Suddenly his phone went off and curiosity got the better of me so I unlocked his phone.

Meet me at the mall tomorrow at 1. Don't worry she won't find out...

"Nina, what the fuck?!" He yelled just as I finished reading the message.

"Why are you going through my phone?" He added trying to pin it on me. I grew angrier holding his phone tightly to the point where my knuckles were white.

"Don't fucking start you cheating prick... I'm done!" I shouted throwing his phone as hard as I can hearing a picture fall and shatter. He's cheating on me... I can't believe this. Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I stepped into our bedroom and slammed the door closed, making sure to lock it. I smashed anything and everything that could break. Punched a wall resulting in swollen knuckles. I took deeep breath and grabbed a duffle bag throwing clothes, toiletries, and anything I may need.

"Babe wait, let me explain!" Andy pleaded. I didn't bother listening to any other plead and I didn't want to face him so I threw my bag out the window. And began climbing out myself. Making me feel like a rebellious teenager again.

"Fuck you!" I screamed on the top off my lungs just before I was out the window. I quickly grabbed the bag and ran towards my car. Starting the car I peeled out of our driveway leaving everything. My phone kept vibrating meaning Andy was calling so I turned it off tossing to the side. Where am I going to go? I can't go to any of the guys or their girlfriends because that would be the first place he'd go. How could he do this to me? After everything we've been through especially knowing both of our past relationships. Did the guys know and never told me? How long could it have been going on for? Questions were haunting my every thought as I drove as far away as I could.

I ended up driving to this amusement park that Andy took me on our very first date. Which meant I'm almost an hour or two away.

Walking in children were screaming and laughing as their parents followed. Friends and couples walked around having fun, and then there's me... Wandering around by myself all broken hearted and alone.

I walked around deep in thought before deciding to forget for a while and attempt to have an okay time. After buying tickets I went on rides. I watched as the lights blurred as I spun in the Tilt-A-Whirl. Then walked to the carousel... I climbed on a black horse with bright gems decorating it. The song played as children giggled waving as they passed their parents.

It must have looked weird for an adult to be at an amusement park alone and going on kid rides. Not that I cared but it must look strange. I played a game or two winning myself a small fluffy stuffed cat. Before I decided to leave I wanted to go on the ferris wheel.

After what seemed like twenty minutes I was sitting alone in the cart and lifted in the air. When I stopped at the very top I turned on my phone to see hundreds of calls and texts.

I'm so sorry I was an asshole...

Please call me

Where are you? It's been hours...

At least let me know if you're okay

I know what it looked like but it wasn't what it looked I promise

I'm so sorry... I love you.The messages and voice mails continued. I snapped a picture of the scenery and decided if he really wants the chance to explain he should find me. Mostly because it was a public place and I could easily lose him if I needed to get away. So I texted If you can find me you can explain...

Just to piss him off and go on a goose chase besides if he was oh so concerned it wouldn't be a problem. I continued to walk until I got a message from Andy Where are you? I don't see you anywhere...

I snapped a picture of a small cotton candy stand and within minutes of sending that picture I heard someone call my name. I spun around to see Andy standing there looking upset and hopeless.

"What do you want?" I tried to say emotionless but failed when my voice cracked.

"The girl I was texting was your friend, I was trying to get you a present but wanted her help so it would be perfect. You can check the entire conversation or call her up. I would never do something like that to you." He mumbled handing me his cracked phone. After reading the entire conversation I felt horrible. Tears sprung from my eyes as I practically tackled him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry babe... I'm terrible. I didn't mean anything I said... I-" I ranted crying until he crashed his lips to mine wrapping his arms tightly around me making sure there was no space in between us. When we broke apart he rested his forehead against mine and mumbled an I love you.

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