*Hope* Dance with Me (David Escamilla)

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It was raining... Normally during rainy days I would call my boyfriend, David to come over but he was on tour still. I pulled out a shit ton of blankets and pillows with a stack of movies that most likely wouldn't be watched. I walked into the kitchen turning my music on full blast and began to grab all the food I can find.

I got so into my music I didn't hear the front door open. I spun around with my arms full with food to see him standing in front of me with a smile dropping his bag on the floor next to him. I immediately dropped everything to tackle and smother my boyfriend in hugs and kisses.

"I thought you weren't going to be back till next week?" I asked still holding him close.

"Well I wanted to surprise you..." He answered leading me towards the mountain of blankets and pillows.

Music still echoed through the house. We just stood in front of each other not bothering to turn a movie on.

Our song came on just as thunder boomed making me jump. He chuckled pulling me close by my waist. He mumbled "Dance with me." as my handed intertwined behind this neck as we slow danced to our song. I buried my face into his chest as he rested his head on top of mine.

I can't believe he's here with me... I haven't seen him in months because of tour... I hadn't realized how much better he made everything for me. I hate when he's away because I lose my boyfriend, my best friend... Skyping and calling wasn't the same... He wasn't there to hug me or tickle me until I agree with him or any of the stupid things we do together...

I didn't want to let go of him... I felt like if I let go he would disappear. This would just be some dream that I would wake up from in a cold bed. We kept dancing even after the song was over because neither of us wanted to let go... I looked up at him taking in his features.

"I love you" I whispered hugging closer then before. His arms tightened around me as we swayed.

"I love you too." He whispered back kissing me softly.

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