*Natasha*You'll Always be Safe, I Promise (Ben Bruce)

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It's been six months since I saw my ex-boyfriend... He abused me badly. One day I fought back and managed to get to a friend before he came after me. I got a restraining order and haven't seen him since.

Ever since all this I became paranoid and drink to numb the memories and pain. My friend that took me in is also friends with the famously known band Asking Alexandria. I've become good friends with them all and sadly grew feelings for Ben Bruce.

"Want another drink love?" I turned to see the one and only Ben standing there with a smirk. God fucking kill me... I mean that fucking smirk, Jesus fuck.

I nodded holding my glass out for him. After finishing that off I told them all I need to leave. It probably isn't a good idea to be in this set of mind and walk home alone but I didn't care. None of them did since we were all beyond plastered.

Walking home I began to get an eerie feeling someone was following me or watching me so I picked up my pace. A black figure came darting out of an alley way and shoved me against a brick wall. I felt a cold blade pressed up against my neck.

"Did you miss me you little bitch?" The figure asked, making me sober up... that voice... I recognize that voice, my ex.The greatest fear I have is back and there's nothing I can do. I

"Help!" I screamed making him slam me against the wall harder... He stuck the blade in my arm making me cry out in pain.

Before he could stab me once more someone tackled him to the ground making the blade fly out of his hand. I couldn't tell who the other person was because of tear clouding my eyes. The other person was beating my ex until he was lying there unconscious.

The man moved closer to me making me back away in fear until I realized it was Ben.

"Natasha are you okay?" Ben asked picking me up bridal style and carried me away.

I ended up being carried to his house. Now sitting in his bathroom while he bandaged the wound.

"Thank you for saving me." I mumbled as it repeatedly replayed in my head

" No problem and it's okay Nat. You're staying here tonight and as long as you need. We can pick you're stuff up tomorrow." He said wiping the remaining tears away. He then carried me to his bed, pulling the covers up.

"If you need anything I'm going to be sleeping downstairs on the couch, okay?" He said kissing my forehead before slowly making his way towards the door.

"Don't go... Stay with me. Please, I don't want to be alone." I croaked out. He nodded walking to the bed and undressed to his boxers.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist pulling me close instantly making me feel safe.

"Goodnight love." he said drifting off before his breathing evened out indicating he fell asleep.


Hours passed and I still couldn't fall asleep. I crawled out of the bed leaving the man I fell for and the man who saved my life alone peacefully sleeping. I opened his bedroom window sitting on the roof.

"Nat what are you doing out here?" A groggy voice asked. I turned to see Ben rubbing his eyes like a child.

"I couldn't fall asleep and I decided to look at the stars and the moon." I spoke quietly before looking up to the sky again.

Ben climbed out sitting next to me and put an arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Ben, how did you find me and saved me right before he killed me?" I asked gazing up at him.

"After you left I got worried you were walking alone so I followed to make sure you were getting home safely. When I saw that guy stab you I beat the shit out of him. And because I wanted to tell you something..." He trailed off looking at me then back at the sky.

"That guy was the abusive ex... and what did you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Well you don't need to worry about him any longer... And I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my girlfriend." He glanced around nervously.

"I'd like that a lot." I smiled. His face lit up and he smashed his lips with mine cupping my cheek.

"You'll always be safe, I promise. I won't let anything hurt you." He murmured resting his forehead against mine. Kissing me again. I already felt safer than ever before and he made me forget about everything.

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