*Jay* I love you, Dumbass (Mike Kuza)

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Music was blaring, people drinking, dancing, or passed out in the yard since they just got back from tour and wanted to celebrate. I've been friends with guys from Kuza since high school so these parties were common. Which I often don't want to go to because I hate seeing girls hanging all over Mike. Mike and I flirt all the time but if I tell him I actually have feelings for him he would probably act like a dick. He's really nice but once his ego gets in the way he becomes an asshole. The guys always say we're perfect for each other, balancing out one another and so on.

He's already passed drunk and won't leave me alone. Mike's been trying to get in my pants, to get me to go out with him and then explain or ranting why I should.

"Jay you should go out with me?" He slurred throwing an arm over my shoulders. I pushed his arm off walking away. I can't deal with him anymore tonight so I'm leaving. Just as I was about to open the door someone caught my wrist.

"Mike, leave me the fuck alone... I will not go out with you or sleep with you. I'm tired of dealing with your bullshit. So go back to fucking some whore like you always do. Pull your head out of your ass already." I yelled causing a scene. Mike didn't say anything just stared at me and let go of my wrist. I didn't mean to completely freak out, I was just pissed off. I just turned around and walked to my car without looking back.

*A Week Later*

Mike stopped talking to me after that party. I still hangout with the guys but it gets awkward. Mike's been showing off new girls everyday to piss me off and it was definitely working.

The guys decided to stop by and of course Mike comes in with a whore. Of course he would bring some tramp. I wanted to punch him in the face and he could tell because he was smirking which made me want to punch him more.

I did my best to ignore him and his bitch... I kept myself busy and the guys helped... and had me stay away from anything I could kill them with. After so long I couldn't take it anymore so I walked out of the room.

Someone was behind me and when I turned around I saw Mike...

"You're such an asshole... I muttered under my breath as a continued to walk away only to be pulled back.

"How am I the asshole? I asked you out and you turned me down in front of how many people... Am I supposed to plead for you to go out with me... I have how many girls wanting to go out with me... I'm not going to waste my time on someone who doesn't." He argued letting go of my arm.

"God, you're fucking blind... That is exactly when I never said yes. One you were drunk off your ass. Two the only reason you'd ever go out with me is to get in my fucking pants... I've seen you do that to how many girls. And I've dealt with enough assholes that pull that... But for some reason I fucking love you. You were too blind to see that over the years." My voice raised with each word growing angrier than before.

Mike didn't say anything, he closed the gap between us and kissed me hard. Wrapping his arms around me. He broke the kiss looking down at me.

"I love you, dumbass." I stated making him laugh and shake his head.

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