*Allissa* 7 Minutes in Heaven (Garret Ecstasy)

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My friends from Blood On the Dance Floor were throwing a party... for no apparent reason other than they wanted to get drunk and do stupid shit. Their parties were complete chaos, the day after the house would literally be torn apart.

"Hey Allissa!" Dahvie and Jayy yelled when the saw me walk in. They quickly disappeared into the crowds of dancers and drunks. I searched for my absoute best friend and crush in the crowds only to have him scare the shit out of me by standing right behind me.

"Hey Alli" Garret smirked taking a sip of his drink before hugging me tightly and lifting me off the ground. When I was back on my feet Jayy and Dahvie pulled us into another room witha group of people playing a game. When I was about to ask Jayy explained.

"We're playing seven minues in heaven and you two have to play." He said making us sit in the circle with everyone else. I hate these stupid middle school games... What would you do if you get some creepy guy or a stranger?

"What are we in middle school?" I asked sarcastically to Dahvie, making him roll his eyes and laughter to erupt from the group. 

"Well that's the only way for these two to get laid..." Garret smirked and pointed towards his band mates who sarcastically laughed and yelled that "We're starting the game and to shut the fuck up."

Each person threw in a random object they had on them, mine being a BOTDF bracelet that Garret gave me when I went to their first show. After a few people picked it was my turn to grab an object. I was growing more anxious as i reached in to grab something when i pulled out a cigarette... Jayy and Dahvie had mischievious grins plastered to their face... Jayy lead me to a closet while Dahvie grabbed the other person. Fuck, fuck, fuck... What did I get myself into? Next thing I know I'm sitting in here with some random guy. I finally found the light switch after feeling the wall for a minute or two. When I flicked it on I saw Garret standing there kind of shocked too.

"Alli, I umm- you know what fuck it..." He mumbled before closing the gap between us. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me hard, catching me by surprise. I realized what was happening and quickly kissed back. One hand made their way to my waist, tugging me even closer if that was possible. The other hand traveled towards my hips. My hands made their way to his hair, running my finger through it and tugging him closer. Sadly, our heated makeout session was cut off by Jayy opening the door and shouting "No fucking in my closet, lovebirds... There's a party to return to."

"You know I've always liked you too." I smirked as we walked back to the group hand in hand.

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