*Lauryn* When You Can't Sleep at Night (Alan Ashby)

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**Trigger Warning**

Please read with caution lovelies, and if you're ever in this place please don't be shy to message me. I'm always here to help and listen. None of you guys can possibly bother me in any way. I love you all...

Being related to the famous front-man of Of Mice & Men, Austin Carlile had its perks. One being friends with all the bands and especially best friends with the ginger princess, Alan Ashby. They were all over my place since they're currently writing and recording a new album. Since they're touring for over half the year they live here or at a girlfriends if they're dating at the time and just help out with the bills even though I tell them it's fine.

"Lauryn, we're all going out to a club... You in?" Austin shouted from the other room most likely getting ready.

"Pass... Maybe another night..." I declined not in the mood to go out and do stupid shit. I was most likely going to head to the store to get the medication for their hangovers. That was one down... Constant parties. Don't get me wrong I love parties but no where near as much as they do. And it wouldn't be a first I would have to bail their ass out of trouble a three in the morning. Within an hour or two the guys were all gone, leaving me completely alone. I peeked around double checking if they're all gone.

"Finally" I muttered running a hand down my face with a sigh. I walked into my room closing the door and turning the stereo on as loud as it can go. I simply wanted to block out the world around me and feel free. I sat there thinking... My brother is a famous musician, that's how people identify me... Always have. My only friends are because of my brother, they're all his friends. What have I ever done? Who even notices my existence? What if I were gone? Who would care? Each question felt like a knife twisting in my stomach... I couldn't bare the thought of holding them all back anymore. Not being important to anyone. The back of my mind was flashing back to high school making me relive the torment.

You stupid bitch... Why don't you kill yourself already?" One girl snapped making me flinch. Pushing me to the ground.

I walked over to my nightstand grabbing a blood stained match box. Taking a sliver blade out and walking to the bathroom.

"Fucking worthless whore, you're such a disgrace..." Another girl spit out getting in your face.

The blade glided over my skin leaving a trail of ruby colored beads form. Blackened tears traced my face leaving stains.

"How can you possibly live with yourself? Quite a pity..." A girl taunted with a menacing snicker. Tears welled and no matter how hard I fought them I lost the battle.

"Look the little baby is crying..."  The first girl laughed. The memories kept flashing through my head. The beads slowly became drops trailing down my wrist as I kept carving.

"Laur- What are you doing?" Alan asked urgently as he snatched the blade throwing it away from us. I just kept crying. Over the fact he found me like this and everything else. He picking me up bridal style before gently placing my on the bathroom sink. Pulling out various things from the cabinet he cleaned the wounds.

"Hey, leave her the fuck alone!" A red headed boy yelled making the girls that were bullying me scurry away. I curled into a ball leaning against the wall, beginning to sob as soon as they were far enough away.

"Did they hurt you at all? Everything is okay now, they're gone..." He mumbled sitting next to me and throwing an arm around me to pull me closer. I hugged him tightly still crying which took him by surprise.

"Thank you..." I whispered glancing up at him while whipping my face free of old tears. Embarrassed was an understantment but I didn't care at the moment.

"My name's Alan..." He said with a crooked smile causing me to crack a smile back before telling him my name.

"C'mon... Let's get out of here" He said holding his hand out for me to take...

"Lauryn?" Alan asked snapping me out of the memory. He looked so hurt and sad... Which made me feel worse.

"Why didn't you ever say anything? How long has this gone on? I'm horrible for never noticing..." He ranted finishing my now patched up arm. I mumbled a sorry which made him scoop me in his arms and carry me to my bed. Laying me on the bed he climb on and we began talking about everything and explaining.

"Lauryn, I love you... More than anything, I know it's odd telling you now but, we can work through this... I came home because I was going to grow a pair and tell you. You're my best friend and you can tell me anything... But I love you and I never want to see you hurt. I promise I will protect you, nothing will hurt you again baby." He said intertwinning our fingers.

"I've loved you for so long... You've protecte dme my entire life, like when we first met..." I mumbled cuddling into him more causing him to wrap his arms around me. My eyes grew heavy as I buried my face into his chest. He pulled a blanket over us and began humming my favorite song When You Can't Sleep at Night.

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