*Terri* I Hate the Way I Love You (Alex Gaskgarth)

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Another band practice... I get to listen to my best friends almost every week and it's like my own personal concert. I loved the guys except for Alex. I've known them for years now. For some reason he's always hated me, always mean and shit. I do my best to ignore it but when he insults me it bothers me no matter how hard I try to ignore it.

"Hey guys... Do you want to take a break and go eat?" I asked the guys as they finished their last song. Jack was practically already out the door,and Alex rolled his eyes muttering fat comments following Jack out the door.

Zack and Rian gave me a sympathetic look because of Alex's comments. They knew the whole situation between him and I. They think he likes me and I like him. I mean I have slight feelings for him but there's no way in hell he likes me back.

"Terri... Please." Jack whined trying to get me to buy him another burger. I barely touched mine because of Alex's comment playing over in my mind. I'll probably eat when I go home.

"Just take mine... I'm not hungry." I said giving him my food. Zack was mad knowing why I "wasn't hungry".

An hour or two later we were back in their basement for band practice. Zack and Rian were planning something by the look of their faces. I went upstairs to use the bathroom. When I came back down they were all gone. I decide I should just go home so I go to grab my bag. Suddenly I hear the door slam shut and the click of the lock. I go to look and see Alex trying to open the door.

"Open the fucking door... I don't wanna be trapped in here with it." He yelled referring to me as it.

"Not until you fix what you've done and you two work everything out." One of them yelled from the other side. He walked toward the couch sitting next to me without looking at me.

"God you so fucking annoying... I don't get why they hang out with you." He mumbled.

"You're an arrogant asshole and I don't know why they hangout me either but they do... So go fuck yourself. I hate you. I don't know why I ever liked you." I retorted. Looking through my bag for my iPod and headphones.

"You what?" He asked finally looking at me. He slowly to me moved closer. 

"I hate you... I hate everything about you. I hate the way your always have bed head and it still looks perfect. I hate how we like the same music. I hate the way you can make me feel like I don't exist. I hate how your so talented and your stupid ego. I hate how your smile is contagious. But most of all I fucking hate the way I love you and you don't feel the same." I said angrily not making eye contact with him. I got up and started walking towards the door.

"You know what Terri... I hate you too. I hate how blue your eyes are. I hate how you can make everyone laugh without even trying. I hate the way you're so short compared to me. I hate how you're so cute when you're shy. I hate how you fit in so well with us and how you know every word to our songs. I especially hate the way I love you and I never knew felt that way." He retorted walking over to me. He spun me around kissing me.

While kissing one of them opened the door.

"Well... I didn't think this would have worked as well as it did." Rian mumbled.

"Fucking told you. It's about time" Zack said. When he said that I smiled into the kiss

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