*Nicole* All Day (Jaime Preciado)

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We all headed to the amusement park... Pierce the Veil decided to take a break and head to an amusement park thanks to Jaime and I begging for hours straight. I've been friends with guys for years now.

The guys made Jaime and I sit all the way in the back because "we get too crazy" or something like that. I usually pay no attention when they say stuff about us. Although Vic knows I may have feelings for Jaime. The guys are always trying to get us together... According to them he feels the same way... We make it obvious.

As soon as the car was parked Jaime and I booked it to the ticket booth leaving the guys in a cloud of dust by the car. Jaime grabbed the tickets pulling me towards the rides. We ended up going on almost every ride in the entire park.

Our hands filled with greasy food and piles of cotton candy. Both of us had a major sugar high and the day went on in pure bliss filled with care free laughs, no worries, and way too much candy. After stuffing our faces we made our way towards the games. We both are fairly competitive so games were interesting. Jaime won me a big fluffy red cat.

"Why red?" I said laughing as I hugged the stuffed cat into my chest as we continued to walk around.

"Your hair... It just reminded me of your hair." He shrugged while laughing a bit. We haven't seen the guys since we got here, not that it mattered. Our sugar highs began to die down as the skies grew darker. The day was soon going to end as much as I hated to admit...

Jaime grabbed my hand leading me towards the Ferris Wheel. Shortly after getting on line we were having the bar closed and secured on our passenger car. Before I knew it we were stopped at the top of the Ferris Wheel looking at the sun beginning to set. I laid my head on his shoulder after feeling his arm wrap around my shoulders pulling me closer. He then rested his head on mine with a comfortable silence hanging in the air.

"Today was fun..." He mumbled breaking the silence. I glanced at him before agreeing. Our eyes met and the children laughing, people shouting, and all the noise seemed to disappear. His eyes fell down to my lips before he leaned in. The kiss was pure bliss, better than any sugar high we've had all day. I smiled into the kiss before we broke apart.

"I've been dying to do that all day..." I muttered with my forehead rested against his with our noses brushing against each other.

"Same here..." He replied before smashing his lips to mine once again.

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