*Kyra* Your Cheater (Jaime Preciado)

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"Hime-Time can you come over... I'm bored." I whined into the phone dragging out bored. Jaime laughed on the other line before agreeing to come over. He was my best friend... My crush too. We've been best friends for god only knows how long... Today was a lazy day... Whenever the weather was bad or we were tired of the world and everything in it we would have a lazy day. A lazy day usually consisted of takeout, tons of junk food, video games and movies. I began grabbing blankets, pillows and junk food when the doorbell rang.

"Doors open!" I shouted knowing it Jaime. Jaime walked in looking hot like always. After twenty minutes of arguing over what takeout to order we agreed to just order pizza. We turned my lounge into a huge fort with pillows surrounding the fort.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted angrily as I was eaten as zombies. Jaime knocked my controller out of my hands and laughed hysterically as I continued to mutter a string of curses. The doorbell rang which could only mean pizza since anyone that knows Jaime and I would know not to bug us one our lazy day.

"Get the door..." I mumbled grabbing my controller.

"Why can't you get the door Kyra?" I asked not turning away from the screen his eyes were glued to. We argued who should get the pizza and ended up settling the predicament by rock, paper, scissors. Groaning he got up and dragged himself to the door.

The pizza was delicious and gone within half an hour. Somehow throughout the course of our day we ended up cuddled together while playing video games. I sat between his legs with my back leaning against of chest. His arms out in front of me holding his controller.  A loud boom of thunder made me jump knocking our controllers out of our hands. In a matter of second we were both dead causing a groan in frustration.

Restarting the game we decided to make it interesting by versing each other. So far I was beating him everytime and in every game.  He would try pushing my contoller out of the way but it wouldn't work. Suddenly Jaime pushes me onto the floor and smashes his lips to mine which caused butterflies to erupt from my stomach. When we broke apart I looked at the screen I saw he won.

"That's not fair you cheated, Cheater." I pouted crossing my arms over my chest making him laugh.

 "But I'm your cheater..." He smiled his dimples making him look even more adorable. Laughing I simply shook my head.

"That you are." I replied pressing my lips to his once more. Completely forgetting about the video games, quite frankly this is better then beating him at any video games.

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