*Eliza* Happy Anniversary (Ben Bruce)

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@voidjensonaudrey hope you enjoy! 😊

"Eliza! Hurry up!" Ben yelled from the other room as I finished getting ready. Sighing I walked out to my boyfriend practically bouncing off the walls. He planned a special night for our anniversary and he wouldn't tell me a thing about it. I had to wait on our room as he packed the car with god only knows what and so on. I was beyond excited tonight and anxious to see what he had planned for the evening.

"Finally! Let's go!" He shouted dragging me to the car and opening the door. Smirking he held up a blind fold. After arguing for several minutes I reluctantly agreed and we headed towards the surprise. The whole ride there was filled with dirty jokes because of the blindfold.

"Are you ready babe?" The blindfold came off and I saw tents and lights all around. Kids running around, all the rides and games, families having fun. I couldn't contain my excitement, I grabbed his hand running towards the amusement park.

Ben laughed at how scattered I was, and all the looks we got. We started out with all the rides. Roller coasters to bumper cars, the whole nine yards.

We wandered over to ski ball where he wanted to win me a huge stuffed fish. After over an hour of cursing, dirty looks and me laughing hysterically he gave up.

"I will get you that fish, even if I have to fucking steal it." He grumbled pouting, I kissed his cheek and pulled him towards the food. After eating funnel cake, a small bucket of fries, fried Oreos, and half a bag of cotton candy we were beyond stuffed. Anymore rides were out of the question unless we wanted to be sick.

Ben led me towards the games again winning me little stuffed animals and prizes. Soon we made our way back to ski ball... Giggling as Ben got angry over winning the fish. After probably a hundred dollars and a long colorful line of curses he won the fish.

"Told you..." he said triumphantly handing me the fish. 

"Thank you baby" hugging my as tightly as I could holding a giant fish and a few other prizes.

         The sun just began to set as he led me to the Ferris wheel. We stopped at the top of Ferris wheel as the sky turned shades of orange, pinks, purples. He pulled me closer kissing my head. Glancing up I smiled at the love of my life, memorizing every detail of him.  His mesmerizing crystal blue eyes, his vibrant tattoos, his wild hair that I love to run my fingers through... I could go on forever about him.

         "I love you, so much Ben." I mumbled kissing him.

         "I love you too Eliza." He replied draping his arm over my shoulders.

         All too soon we were leaving, he smirked knowing I didn't want to go.

         "Don't worry babe, the nights not over yet..." opening the door for me. Shutting the door before I got the chance to question him.

         The drive was long, but I dozed off feeling his beat up leather jacket cover me. Ben woke me up saying that we were there. I climbed out to see the the beach, lit up by the moon. He went to the trunk and pulled out a blanket.

         We laid there for who knows how long, wrapped up in each other's arms listening to the waves.

         "Look there's a shooting star, make a wish." I pointed to the star dancing across the sky.

         "I already have mine. Happy anniversary baby..." he smiled pulling me closer. I snuggled into him more peppering his face in kisses. Definitely has to be the best anniversary ever.

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