*Denielle* Surprise (Kellin Quinn)

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Kellin has been on tour for the past five months and is supposed to be coming home in a couple days. I've been completely alone and miss him terribly... I just want him to come home. There's nothing to distract me anymore... I've cleaned and rearranged the house three times, baked a ton of food, spent a day shopping and so on. Nothing is the same without Kellin. Sighing I gave up walking to the bedroom... Hopefully he comes home soon. Cuddling into pillows and blankets I soon fell into an oblivious bliss.

A door slamming shut and multiple whispers woke me up in a panic. Someone is in the house... And no one else is here except me... I really wish Kellin was here. I grabbed the closest thing to me which was  a pillow and tipped toed down the stairs. There were several dark figures ithe lounge. One walked towards me causing me to panic and swing. I turned the lights one to see Kellin on the floor holding his head.

"Kellin! Oh my god I'm so sorry... I thought someone broke in." I ranted dropping the pillow and having tears well in my eyes. I kneeled next to him beginning to cry as he began to sit up.

"Nice to see you too babe..." He joked chuckling as he was rubbing the giant red sore on the side of his head. When he noticed the tears he hugged me tightly, which I gladly returned.

"It's okay baby, I'm here and didn't mean to scare you... I wanted to surprise you before you woke up and the guys were helping me finish it..." He whispered rocking us back and forth.

"I missed you so much... Next time give me a heads up... You're lucky I didn't have a frying pan." I muttered wiping tears away. He laughed standing up with me, as we turned around we saw his band mates peeking out from the wall. They spotted all of my baking and disappeared into the kitchen within seconds after they ran over for their famous suffocating bear hugs.

"C'mon babe... You're 'I missed you and sorry for scaring the shit out of you' present awaits." He smirked leading me to the lounge. Large blankets laid out on the floor, pillows were scattered  around, colorful sheets hung from the ceiling and fairy lights decorated the whole thing. It looked like a dream... It's perfect. I can't believe they went through all this to turn our lounge into a fort.

"It's amazing... I love it" I mumbled jumping into his arms and kissing him hard. We stole some of my baking before it was devour by the guys, which we had to fight for. I made a deal with them I'd bake more tomorrow if they let us have food. Soon we were settled into our private little oasis. We turned on old cartoons like Tom & Jerry, The Powerpuff Girls, and so on all cuddled together. After several cartoons I grew tired I found myself burying my face into his chest with a small yawn.

"Good night babe. I love you..." Kellin whispered, kissing my forehead, and pulling a blanket over us.

"Love you too." I whispered back just before I fell asleep in the arms of the man I love more than anything.

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