*Emily* Can't Wait (Ben Bruce)

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"Everyone take ten!" The director yelled which caused a sigh of relief to escape my lips. I'm a model for Asking Alexandria's music video for  The Death of Me. I put the got out of the fake vending machine, dusting myself off and putting on a robe.

"Hey Emily..." Danny said walking over and throwing an arm around my shoulders. We continued to talk until Ben came. I guess Ben saw Danny trying to flirt with me the entire time.

"Emily, you looked really good out there..." Ben said taking a swig of beer. He pointed the bottle towards me asking if I wanted any. Smiling I took the bottle and drank some. Ben and I began talking and flirting completely forgetting Danny was there until he walked away muttering a string of cursing. After we finished filming I went to the dressing rooms to change and grab my belongings.

"Em, wait up!" Someone shouted from behind me. I spun around to see Ben jogging towards me, he finally caught up taking a moment to catch his breath.

"I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to go grab something to eat...?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his neck. I smiled and saying yes before following him to his car. The ride entire car we turned up the music, laughing and singing along. We ended up going to an ice cream shop downtown.

After ordering we walked around the streets, stopping at places as we walk. Time was passing, but neither of us cared. It was most likely after  midnight but all we cared about was each other's company. Stores were closed, most people already home, the streets were almost empty.

Neither of us wanted to leave because of the fun we were having but sadly we had to go our separate ways. He drove us back to the studio so I could get my car. He stopped before I got out of the car.

"I had a really nice time tonight.... Would you maybe like to go on a date with me?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course.... Isn't this a date?" I smirked which caused him to smile widely.

"I- um... Yeah if you want it to be..." He stumbled a bit.

"Well goodnight love... Oh and pick me up at eight." I said kissing his cheek before getting out to go to my own car. A smile permanently on my face. This night was perfect... I can't wait till tomorrow and judging by the bright red blush he had after I got out he can't either.

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