*Rachel* For You, Always (Jaime Preciado)

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It was days after her funeral... I didn't know what to do. I isolated myself from everything. My grandmother and I were so close... But she's gone. I know the guys are worried, they knew how close we were. I haven't talked to any of them since the funeral.

I didn't bother to turn on my phone knowing they would be constantly calling or texting to make sure I was okay. I love the fact they care but I just don't want to deal with it now. Knocking at my door broke any thoughts taking over my mind. I reluctantly opened the door to see Jaime. He wasn't the Jaime I grew to love... Constantly messing around, always smiling... Now he was serious with a frown where his smile should have been.

He walked inside without saying a single word... He just hugged me tightly. As soon as he did that I began to cry again. I felt completely alone now that she's gone. I told her absolutely everything...

He stood there hugging me until the sobs died down. Afterwards we began talking...

"Rachel, why haven't you called any of us back? We're worried about you... Have you been eating? Have you gone outside since the funeral? You haven't been hurting yourself or anything right?" He rambled on checking my arms, stomach and so on.

After talking for a while he said he had to go but he would call me later. As soon as the door closed I felt alone again.

Hours passed before I decided to go to sleep. My slumber didn't last long since I was woken by being shaken. Groaning I opened my eyes to see Mike, Vic, Tony, and Jaime. I just pulled the blanket over my head which resulted in being carried towards the bathroom.

"Get changed and whatever... We have a surprise for you." Tony ordered before shutting the door. I contemplated just going back to sleep in the bath tub but that wouldn't end well. Sighing I changed and made myself more presentable before walking out.

They lead me to their car without telling me where we're going. After what felt like a four hour drive we ended up at our favorite beach. The guys began taking stuff out of the trunk and built a bonfire.

The night was filled with laughs, dancing like idiots, jokes, singing and so on... It was the most fun I've had in a long time. They made me completely forget about everything and managed to make everything okay again. I didn't feel alone anymore.

Soon the night came to an end and we ended up back inside my house.

"You know we're all here for you Rachel, always will be. Always. You're our family. Especially Jaime here... Madly in love with you." Mike and Vic said laughing as they saw Jaime's face turn red.

"So you planned all this tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah... I saw how upset you were so I came up with the plan with them to make you happy." He mumbled embarrassed scratching the back of his neck as he spoke.

I smiled hugging them all saving Jaime for last, adding a kiss on the cheek, and whispering I like him too, making the guys go crazy.

"Oh shut it and put a movie on, before I pick." I threatened nuzzling closer into Jaime's chest. Not only did it start a relationship with someone but I realized how much they care for me and vise versa. I love these guys...

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