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"You know what, she's my ex-girlfriend... oh scratch that, we never break up though. I told you.. she's mine from the start!"

In a blink of an eye, the roles exchanged. That's when you saw Mingyu's expression turned dark and suddenly he pushed Wonwoo to the ground.

"STOP IT !" You found yourself shouting when Mingyu about to punch Wonwoo straight in the jaw.

All of them turned to look at you, awestricken. Wonwoo and Mingyu abruptly stopped after they heard your voice. The boys immediately breaking them far from each other. Their eyes were holding a baffled and sad gazes.

"Haeun-ah... just tell me that he's lying. You're not his girlfriend, right?" Mingyu spoke up, his brown eyes desperately met yours.

As if he was telling you to give the answer he wanted. But unfortunately, you couldn't give him that.

"Haeun, what Wonwoo hyung's talking about? What does he mean by you're his ex-girlfriend?" Seungkwan asked hesitantly as he held onto your arm in concern.

You just send a glance to Seungkwan, not bother to answer him.

Without wasting any time, you approached Wonwoo, and swiftly slapped his cheek. The atmosphere turned into an eerie silence as everyone looked at you in surprise and disbelief.

Wonwoo slowly turned around to face you, and you saw a glimpse of pain clouded in his eyes.

"You can't do that Wonwoo."

Amidst of everything that overwhelmed feelings you felt about there was no way to face your past love again, on top of your sudden change of heart, you knew it had to be settle and all of the questions in the boys' head needed to be answered.

Because I just felt like I was running out of time...

"What did I do? I'm telling the truth. Hae.. I thought you'd love to see me again.." Wonwoo began softly, as he looked into your eyes with a painful longing. "I know I was wrong because I didn't tell you everything.."

Your eyes finally met him and the determination on your face was intriguing him. You shook your head.

"No, you can't just come and say things like that out of jealousy. It's been three years since we were not seeing each other. YOU SHOULDN'T COME AND GO AS YOU WISH LIKE THIS!"

Wonwoo was taken aback by your honesty. No, actually whole people in the hallway did. You spoke out the the truth he tried to push away. Come and go as he wish. He knew it was true but admitting it was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Hae, do you think it was easy for me? You don't think I tried to tell you the truth? Don't be like this. I know you are glad to meet me again.."

It somehow triggered your sense back eventhough his action right now was tearing you down. It was only bringing your jerk and cold attitude to show again. One that you wanted to get away from.

Your jaw tightened while your hands turned into fists. You took in a deep breath before exhaling. "You kept secrets from me first, you lied to me and left just like that."

The Cold Star |Seventeen FF |Where stories live. Discover now