21: No one

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He  slapped you hard on the cheek making Hoshi to gasp. His slit eyes flew bigger.

"Uncle!" Hoshi yelled.

You head turned the other side after getting slapped. You then felt sting at the corner of your lips, you touched your lips only to see blood stained your finger causing you to chuckle a little.

You chuckled at the state you were in, you found it funny to have a bad day like this, you got pushed by the fucking Dino , getting suspended and now getting a slap.

You felt numb after the slap that supposed to be painful.

"What a worst day..." You chuckled ridiculously that only audible to you.

You stared at your uncle, before shooting him a weak smile. He didn't seemed noticed that your lips bleed as he just continued his rage out.

"You're wrong! I wanted to take after you, I told your father to send you to me. I told them that i'll give you a better home a better life than that guy you called horny for killing his wife for another bitch!"

"You lost your mom and....  Wonwoo," He said ,Hoshi shot his head to gaze at uncle Jaehun when the name was mentioned.

It was his bestfriend name after all, Hoshi was confused and dumbfounded but didn't talk, because he never heard anything about you lost someone named Wonwoo. Although he knew your past, he missed this part.

"Don't waste your time on remembering and regretting your past." Jaehun continued. You were getting pissed off.

"I warned you not to bring this up again don't ever mentioned this bullshit again!" You yelled furiously.

The atmosphere was intensed.

"Then you shouldn't do whatever comes to your mind! You haven't been cherised so i thought perhaps you will change if you're cherished now. So i've been trying my best, I want you to stop living in your depress life! "

"Uncle, what had happened today nothing to do with her past, " Hoshi finally spoke as he wanted to calm the tense between you and the older man.

"It's not all her fault to start with.." Hoshi added making uncle Jaehun to feel slightly guilty.

A crept of breath left your lips, as he went silent.

Without waiting for your uncle's reply, you stomped out of the house with a quick paced ,forgetting your bruised and wounded knee that killing you everytime you move.

"Yah, Haeun-ah! Haeun!" Hoshi shouted your name out but you just ignored him.



I have nowhere to go, I don't care about my knee killing. I just walked along the streets . Its been hours since I was wandering blindly around the city.

I really didn't have life to begin with.

It was getting cold outside, and the sky was getting darker as the sun sets.

"Shit, the rain really knows how to make my life even worst!" I whined when it started to rain heavily out of nowhere.

"Just great!" I groaned running into a convinience store. I got more drenched as I ran.

I scrunched my face in pain when water from the rain rolling down on my arm into my wound at elbow.

I quickly took a seat at the vacant table beside the glass wall in the store.

It rain heavily outside. I could see  reflection in the wall glass, I let out a shooketh squick when I saw the reflection.

A look of ghost in school sport uniform infront of me,  red cheek and had a deep eyes bag. I pity of her to have that visual.

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