2: Uncle

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"What are we doing here? This is uncle Jaehun's house!"

My eyes literally widened to see my luggage and bags on the road of a resident. I did not even realized that my father drove so far to Seoul as I was asleep along the way and when I opened my eyes its already dark.

My father heaved a sigh before hold his hands out in surrender.

"I didn't want to bicker with you. I'm tired. For all these years, I hold onto you because I did not want you to hurt like your mum. But , I was wrong." He said bitterly getting into the truck with his head low down.

"I realized that you only burden me." He added.

I felt my already shattered heart became more like a dust.

"I had enough of you. It's over between us." He said emotionless, making me smirk absurbly.

"It was over between us.. since mom death and that woman step into our house!"

"That's why I gave up on you.Don't call me again!" He seethed and drove away before throwing an envelope to my face, probably filled with money.

"Fucking dad! Live well with that bitch!" I hollered.

"Haeun-ah.. Don't awake everyone here. Come inside. Its already late." I heard uncle Jaehun's voice behind.


"Why did you agree to take care of me? I better live alone than live with you." I rolled my eyes .

"Pleased! The door is widely open for you to get out from this house." He said , full of sarcasm, set my stuff down on the floor beside the bed.


"You can call me everything you like, Oppa, uncle, babe or such things but don't those words. Sit here, I need to tell you something." Uncle Jaehun cutted me off and patted on the bed beside him as he sat on the chair.

"Duh, cocky guy. What is it?" I sat on the bed.

"You'll start your school the day after tomorrow."

Shaking my head, I said, "No, don't mention about school."

"I didn't ask for your permission I won't be nice , If you cause touble again-"

"You'll kick me out? I know that. I'm used to be abandoned, so that doesn't even scare me." I shrugged.

"No, I'll be never kick you out. Why would I? A family shouldn't abondoned their member." He said in teasing playful tone.

"I got it. Look at me now, being abandoned, so that's mean the fucking guy that I called father is not my family. That's make sense." I nodded agreely to my own statement.

"That's right. I also actually hate him for killing my sister." Uncle said in whisper, making me laugh.

"Woah, you're the first person that agree with me."

"Of course. Cause we're family right?" He smile proudly.

"No. We're not. I prefer to be alone and abandoned." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"Stop showing you're tough, kid." He said ,pointing at me.

"I'm not a kid, i'm a broken 18 years old girl that has no life but still need to breath."I corrected.

"Okay, whoever you are, just listen to me." He sighed.

"What is it Jaehun-ssi." I looked at him expressionless.

"Listen, this is not my will, its your mom. This house is yours as your mom bought it so, literally it means i'm living with you not you living with me, BUT! It doesn't mean you rule the house cause I'm the one who will. You'll go to school like all the teenagers do and graduate, find a nice job to feed me up cause i will turn old and didn't have energy to work."He explained sternly.

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