19: Reunion

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Morning came and I was late to school as last night I sneaked out of the house with Mingyu. It was fun and we ended up come home at 5 in the morning.

Reaching the entrance of school, I took a deep breath in hope I wouldn't run into Mr.Deok like last time. I catiously entered the class building up to my class's floor. I looked around making sure there was no sign of Mr.Deok.

"Kim Haeun!"

I stopped at my track while cussing and turned around only to face Seungkwan. He approached me with a sly smile.

"What are you doing like a thief there? Oooh you're late to school right?"

I sighed as I lose hope in sanity,"Low your tone bastard. The teacher might here you!" I hissed in whisper.

He immediately shut his mouth off muttering a sorry.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked while looking left and right catiously.

"I was from faculty office."Seungkwan replied.

"Alright go, go into your class. Don't mind me." I said and pushed him from behind and he turned around,"Wait, Haeun wait."

I cocked an brow, "Mingyu is not here today so can I join you and Hoshi for lunch?" He asked and I sighed.

I turned his body around and pushed him from the back, "Fine fine, now go to your class... I would get caught if you're here. Go ,"

"Yah, i'll report to Mr.Deok that you're skipping class–"

"–skipping class?!"

Both of us became stiffed, and I gulped hearing the voice behind me. Seungkwan gazed to someone behind me with a shock expression. I face-palmed myself , I knew that I was already fuck up.

"Er... Good morning sir," He bowed and dashed to his class.

I rolled my eyes and turned back. As expected, it was Mr.Deok.

"Kim Haeun! You're late to school aren't you?!" He shouted spitting his saliva to my face. Digusting.

"Aish.."I wiped out my face.

"You're already late for school and you're planning to skip class again?!" He started to reprimand.

Mr.Deok wasted his time on me by giving me a nag from time management and don't to be a delinquent and until he talked about his life history that didn't really matter nor important. It just make me more late to enter class. One that made me more piss off was he compared me with Hoshi, my cousin. I loved Hoshi but still!

"Meet me at the office before going home and tell your guardian, ....that you'll be home late,"He said.

"Fuck off...Deok ssi," I mumbled under my breath looking around.

"Did you just say something?" Mr.Deok asked then I shot him a fake smile.

"Nothing sir. Did I say something? Oh you heard it wrong sir," I acted innocent. He furrowed his thick brows.

"Fine, go to your class!"

"Nae......"I bowed carelessly.

I went into my class and luckily there was no teacher inside. My classmates were giving me a look like I was a bug whilst I made my way to my seat. As soon as i sat, Hoshi came next to me.

"Yah, i've woken you up many times," he said.

"Hmm.... It's okay."I said and he sighed.

"I wanna sleep. Wake me up if the teacher come." I told him as I leaned my head on the table to sleep.

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