10: Stay

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I'm sorry for the late update

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I'm sorry for the late update. Enjoy!


I walked with Mingyu out of from the cafeteria and to the hallway intending to go to our class.

"Why did you ask me to eat with you? Where's your beloved cousin Hoshi? Or else you'd fallen head over heels for my mighty charm?" He smirked.

"Woho...Don't be so confident headass. Hear me out first." I rubbed my temple.

"Hoshi is busy preparing for his Math competition and as a so-thoughtful cousin, I don't wanna disturb him."

"Why can't you ask someone else?"He asked.

"You're the only headass I talk to in this school."I admitted, pursing my lips. He had an amusement evidence on his face.

"Are you sure–"He cut off by the director who passed by us. We both stopped at our track.

"Good morning Director Kim.." I greeted, glancing at Mingyu. I could see his jaws clenched as he bowed to the director.

"Oh, Kim Haeun.. You're the transfer student right?" He smiled and I nodded.

"So how's school? I hope you found it comfortable and quite luxury." He said in manner like a gentleman.

"It just school. They are all the same." I mumbled and the director smiled shaking his head in agreement.

"I understand. I need to go first." He straighten his coat and walked away. Director Kim didn't even greet Mingyu or talk to him.

I looked at Mingyu who looked torn. I felt my heart aching as I saw him being treat like that by his own father as I experienced the same and worst.

I quickly nudged him. "Show me your fangs." I said making him raised his brows at me.

We started walking again, the hallway was almost empty as some students already got to their next class.

"Don't be so emotional Gyu. I knew you're more way too playful when you're with Seungkwan." I said.

Suddenly, he stopped walking and grabbed my shoulders.

"Yah, call me that again.."

"What?" I blinked.

"Aish call me Gyu again!" He begged, shaking me roughly making me triggered.

"Fuck Gyu. Ugh I'm having headache talking to you. Just go to our class now." I swatted his hands and entered the class.

He ran after me and headlocking my head and twirled me around. "Yahhh you'd fallen for me right Kim Haeun..!" He laughed.

"Ouch! Ya yaah! stop it!" I groaned, hitting his arm. Everyone in the class turned their attention to us but it didn't stop him.

"Kim Mingyu! Kim Haeun! What's this mess?" The teacher hollered as she saw everything.

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