54: Healing

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Mingyu stepped out fresh from the bathroom, as he just got home from the training centre, getting some day off.

He dried his hair using a towel, still thinking about how he lost contact with Haeun after he met her at the hospital last week. He couldn't focus on his training schedules, not until Coach Jin decided to take him out from the team if he could not keep up with the pack schedules.

But he wasn't the only one. Minghao and Wonwoo also found it hard to focus.

Mingyu didn't know how to feel about the fact that Wonwoo could calm Haeun down when she was having her panic attacks. He couldn't believe, her mind refused to listen at Jaehun and Hoshi's voice when they are the actual people who close to her.

What does it mean?

He groaned and shook his head, trying to shake that misleading thought away. Maybe Wonwoo had been deal someone with panic attack before, that's why he knew how to handle the situation better.

Mingyu didn't understand how he can feel so strongly about her when he hadn't known her for long. His head couldn't stray away from thinking about Haeun and his heartbeat became uneven just by thinking at any further. He was scared to lose Haeun because he finally felt like he belong to someone. She gave a new light into his life after being so stress with his father's ignorant.

I love her,

His phone rang over his ears indicated messages entered his notification and eventually stopped his brain from wondering. He approached his study table and read the messages.

Jeonghan hyung:

Jeonghan hyung:I was contemplating to send this to you, but I think you at least need to know that she's doing well

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Jeonghan hyung:
I was contemplating to send this to you, but I think you at least need to know that she's doing well.

Jeonghan hyung:
I met Haeun at the park but she went home already. Her father came. You know what you suppose to do right? I trust you, don't worry. I'll keep the secret well.

Mingyu was surprised twice at Jeonghan hyung messages, first, he met Haeun when others were claiming she locked herself up in her room, and second, he knew that Haeun and him were dating.

His heart was pounding so loudly and there's strange feeling that keep pricking at his heart causing him to feel truly bothered and confused. Mingyu clenched his hand into a fist as realisation striked him. I need to see her now.

He dressed up quickly, just throwing everything that he saw first in his wardrobe before rushed to down floor making his way out of the house. Mingyu ran as fast as he could to the main road and hailed a cab.

No one can steal her from me. No one can hurt her again.

When he reached Haeun's neighborhood, he ran as fast as he could towards Haeun's house. Mingyu halted on his track when he spotted the familiar figure he missed. A smile still could be formed on his lips while seeing his soulmate even though he was panting hard from the run. He spotted a man standing with her and about to run into her. But Mingyu stopped his whole attention of marching towards Haeun and her father as he could sense the tension and the seriousness engulfing them.

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