31: Crush

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"I'm so full! My cooking skill is getting better, don't you agree?" Uncle Jaehun was on his pride.

"Of course it'll be delicious, you just made that egg rolled and ordered delivery for the rest of these." I said matter of fact causing him to smile sheepishly.

"At least, I'm making my effort to spend time with you because I'm so busy these days." He defend himself.

"But, where's Hoshi? Why he isn't coming down to eat?"

"He has a fever. He doesn't look well since he got home so I adviced him to take some rest." He informed.

I did not respond, after tidying up, I stood up to leave.

"I'm gonna to upstairs uncle, thanks for the dinner!"

"Okay, I'm also going to do my works in my room. Haeun, please take a look at Hoshi in his room if he's okay." He smiled and I nodded.


"Hosh," I entered the room and closed the door behind me.

No respond from him as I saw Hoshi was sleeping under his blanket tightly. I walked over and placed my palm onto his forehead and shook my head. His temperature was shockingly hot.

His eyes slowly opened making me startled a little. "Princess.."

"What time is it now?"He asked.


"Ah.. my head," He groaned feeling dizzy when he tried to sat up on the bed.

"Yah, what make you so sick! I'm so bored right now and wanna play game with you! You make my heart hurt Hoshi, you can't do this to me." I yelled dramatically as he chuckled.

"Don't get mad, I can play games with you in your room if you want..." His voice was soft and husky.

That was so adorable. I felt my iced heart crack as my heart screamed.

I let out a small chuckle and ruffled his hair.

"I was just joking, Uncle Jaehun asked me to look after you on my way to room. You've worked hard helping the hoes (teacher) for the upcoming sport event until you forgot to take care of yourself." I nagged like 92-old grandmother.

"At least, you're not cruel to me anymore,"

He smiled weakly showing his hamster-like smile with that eyes and coughed a little.

"You're too cute little shit, if you weren't have fever right now , I'll choke you to death."

"Get out before you get infected with my fever." He warned. I send him a faint smile and patted his shoulder.

"Don't forget to take your medicine and call me if you need anything. Rest well," I shoved my hand in my pockets and walked into my room.


"Finally !" I shrieked and plopped myself on my bed as I finished all the questions Seungkwan told me to do.

It weirds for me actually, did I really doing homeworks for how many ages? I must be on drug. Did Uncle Jaehun put drug into my food? I sighed and stared the ceiling blankly.

My phone rang snapping me out and I looked at the caller Id, it was Hansol. What he's up to?


'Yah, I miss your voice. How are you, hanging out with Seungkwan all the week?"

"With Seungkwan, he's so loud everyday so yeah I'm thinking to get my ears check up." I said monotonously causing Hansol to laugh madly loud.

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