40: Stranger

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I tried to ignore the ringtone from my phone  hoping it would stop anytime soon. I had ever wanted in my life was just not to be woken up on a Saturday morning.

But it did not stop,that person really did not know how to give up. With my eyes closed, I answered the call.

"Hello..." My morning voice filled with annoyance.

"Haeun-ah, are you still sleeping? Aigoo.."

I knew that nagging voice. It was none other than Boo Seungkwan.

"What do you want? You're disturbing my peaceful weekend you littl-"

"We are on our way to your house. We've planned to have some fun today, and you're mandatory to join us." I heard Dokyeom's voice shrieking.

"You don't even give me a choice! I don't like to get out." I whined like a child.

"Even if you have choices, it seems like we will keep bothering you until you join us." Seungkwan was back talking, and I could imagine his face while saying that.

"I hate all of you." I crushed my face on my pillow causing my voice to sound muffle talking to them.

"Yes, we love you too." Seungkwan laughed.

I smiled at his words, its been awhile since I felt this kind of friendship. Yes, I was a fool not to realize it earlier because I was holding onto the dark past too much. Removing myself from the bed, I walked to the next door to wake Hoshi up.

"We'll meet up around 10 at Hongdae. Wear something comfortable and and don't use heels or else you're gonna end up crying." Seungkwan chirped excitedly. I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't even wear heels although uncle Jaehun bought one for me. But, I thought you're going to my house though?" I asked , frowing as my mind still blur from reality.

Did I hear him wrong about going to my house?

"It is just a trick to wake you up so you will freaking out, Haeun-ah." I heard they giggled over the phone.

"Seungkwan, you know what... you should not hang out with me anymore, you've been influenced so much from me." I said with a serious tone and sighed in regret.

"Hahaha Haeun, what are you saying? You probably still drunk from sleeping. See you later!" He chuckled.

"Bye Boo!" I hung up and reached infront of Hoshi's room.

"Morning Kwon Soonyoung." I lazily greeted him as I opened his door and stepped into the room.

He was on the phone talking and did not notice my presence. He smirked playfully with his puffy morning eyes.

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