37: Planned

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"If you tell the kids, I will kill you Kim Mingyu." You menaced in low voice.

"Oh," He did not give much reaction as he was speechless.

You felt him gulp as his Adam's apple bobbing up and down due to the threat. You smirked to yourself and when you took a safe distance from him, you noticed the smitten smile on Mingyu's face started to form.

"What a nice encouragement." Mingyu mumbled, still in dazed while touching his kissed cheek.

You cleared your throat and licked your dried lips, making he snapped out of it. Mingyu shook his head and then, turned to look at you, gave you a charming smile, flashing his pearly white teeth.

You looked anywhere but him as you scratched your neck. " I gotta go, or Seungkwan will get mad."

You were about to walk away when you got pulled back to find his eyes hooded with lust, and magically sparkled under the sun.

You gasped with the sudden close distance, eyes locking with him. So, you took a step behind.

His warm hand held tight on your wrist. After a delay of silence, a smile drawn on his lips as he looked down on the ground.

"You know, I promise myself this morning, to tell you I will confess what has been on the tip of my tongue today."

He started causing you to raise your brows and got anticipated with what he's going to say.


Before you know, Mingyu wrapped his arm around your tiny waist and hugged you tightly making your eyes widen. His hug was foreign but you felt confusingly safe and warm.

"You know, my depressive and traumatize states had lessen from the moment you stepped into my life. You made me forget about my trauma."

You did not hug him back but just stared coldly at a distance.

"I would never be so grateful because of that." He added, smiling.

He somehow reminisced the night when he came to your house and two of you ate pizza, went to archade and basically spend time together.

"You taught me to accept how the real world works, it is not always go easy but it will work." He whispered softly.

He placed his chin on your shoulder where you could feel his hair tickled your neck.

"You would have never imagine myself saying this but.."

He placed his lips near your ear and whispered..

"Haeun-ah, I am in love with you. You're the reason I found a new light in life."

That sentence made you freeze in your place as your lips parted in shock and confusion, it reminds you to something in the past.

Your eyes widened, recognition setting in. That was absurd. This had happened to me before but in different situation.

    "I truly loved you. No matter how many times you lose hope to live, I'll always be here, Haeun."

And he lied to me.. He didn't even there when once my father almost killed me too like he did to my mother.. and -

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