57: Ice Cream

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"What do you mean?" Mingyu asked, staring at Wonwoo with brows raised

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"What do you mean?" Mingyu asked, staring at Wonwoo with brows raised.

"I think you and Minghao might need the chance. You're competent enough to get into the national team, Mingyu." He beamed Mingyu a look. Mingyu scoffed at him as he felt absurd with Wonwoo's word.

"I thought you'll never consider me like you did two years ago, so it's funny to hear this from you, Wonwoo hyung. Just take the chance, don't bother about me." Mingyu's chest heaved up and down and staring darkly at Wonwoo.

"Let's come clean Kim Mingyu. How long do we have to go with this? It's all in the past, and we both were too young back then. I'm sorry for everything up until now. I'm not gonna ask you to forgive me, but I just said the truth." Wonwoo said, his expression serious with a mix of guilt.

"And if the coach still with his decision to bring me to national team, I wish you could keep about my transfer out from the other kids, especially Haeun." Wonwoo slowly voiced out. Mingyu then instantly scowled at Wonwoo, bewildered.

"Why Haeun? What happen if she knows about this?"

Wonwoo didn't answer him and looked away. He knew Mingyu has feeling with Haeun and so did him. Wonwoo broke the promise to Haeun that he won't leave her back then, having this fate of meeting her again was such a miracle , so he wouldn't miss it.

        I needed her because she would always be part of me. I won't let the same mistake happen twice.

"Yah Jeon Wonwoo! You won't speak up?" He shouted Wonwoo's name, forgetting the formallity that he was older than him.

"I know you have feelings on Haeun, but I love her too because she's my blessing and happiness. I won't disappoint Haeun with my transfer news, which I'm doing right now, rejecting the offer." Wonwoo blurted out with a serious expression.

Wonwoo had been holding it in since forever because he was afraid that his identity would be exposed to Haeun before he could get himself ready.

Both Mingyu and Wonwoo stayed frozen, staring at each other's eyes as if challenging one another. Wonwoo noticed a fraction of disbelief on Mingyu's eyes and his expression was tight.

Mingyu had expected this yet he still felt surprise by Wonwoo's confession.

Mingyu sneered as he rolled his tongue, "If this is what you want, then game on." He showed an arrogant smile, showing that he was confident and serious.

"I love Haeun and I won't hand her over so easily." Mingyu's eyes burned with so much anger as he beamed Wonwoo a confrontational stare.

Feeling his heart boiled, Wonwoo stared back at Mingyu. Wonwoo's scowl deepen at the idea of Mingyu was so confident to win over Haeun but sent Mingyu a mysterious smile on his face.

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